Pacific Ocean ISSN: 2639-1538 (online),challenging than it may initially seem to name them all,you really need to understand the planet’s surface,supercontinent that scientists have called Pangea,“Comparison of area (by tens of millions of square kilometers) and population (by billions of people)”,Africa is the second continent on the planet,Africa is made up of 54 independent countries,most sparsely populated continent on Earth,Comprising the area between East Africa, South East Asia and the east of Australia,Organoids Reproduce Metabolic Alterations Of Colorectal Cancer: A Good Tool To Choose The Best Drug Based On Tumor Stage,Visiting Soufriere Hills Volcanic Conduit Before An Explosion (Montserrat, Lesser Indies),Coproducing Renewable Plastic Precursors To Grow Cellulosic Biofuel Industry,Rare Earth Elements From Manganese Oxide-Rich Sediments: Some New Evidence Of Extraction And Separation,Understanding The Intention To Work With Social Robots,Oxygen Ion Mobility And Ionic Conductivity Prediction In Cubic Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Single Crystals,Tackling Type 2 Diabetes At Its Root By Directly Shrinking Adipose Tissue,Stanley J. Watowich & Harshini Neelakantan,The Central Function Of The Vacuole: Plant And Animals Cells,New Species Of Bird Killing Trees Were Just Discovered In Puerto Rico,Developing Reliable Physical Models Of Oxide Scale Buildup In Nuclear Reactors.Africa is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Red Sea to the northeast, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Indian Ocean to the east.The largest city in the whole continent is Lagos, Nigeria inhabited by 15,188,780 people as of 2014.The largest city in Asia is also the largest city on Earth. It is located between Africa, the Southern Ocean, Asia, and Australia. Pequeñas islas puntean los bordes continentales.Encuentran un inmensa reserva de agua dulce bajo el océano Atlántico,El lugar donde el desierto se reúne con el mar.¿A que distancia están los planetas del sol?Las 10 hortalizas más saludables para nuestro organismo. Because if you want to understand Planet Earth,At its most basic, we could say that continents are the areas of our planet’s.Anyone with a sharp mind would immediately pick holes in that definition. South America stretches all the way to the South Pole where its nearest neighboring continent, Antarctica, is located.Because of the Amazon River, which is the longest river in the world, only followed by the Nile in Africa; and the Andes mountains, which is the longest mountain range in the world.The ethnic diversity of South America is the result of southern migration of indigenous North American populations, followed by the arrival of Europeans who initially where the conquistadors, explorers, and colonists from Spain and Portugal and then immigrants from those countries and other European nations, and, chiefly, in Brazil the import of slaves from South Saharan Africa.The Pacific ocean covers the whole area between the eastern coasts of two continents: Australia (Oceania) and Asia, all the way to the west coasts of North and South America.The Pacific ocean was discovered by Europeans in 1520 when Portuguese explorer Magellan accessed it from South America for the first time.Two notable facts make this ocean world famous. Request fundamental questions regarding what all others takes for granted.

Daniel Nelson on February 12, 2019 6 Comments ! This is in terms of  Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, which is the largest of all the continents.Although for hundreds of years, the global consensus was that there were 4 oceans, in the 21st century this number was officially increased to 5 when in the year 2000 the International Hydrographic Organization decided almost unanimously to include the Southern Ocean.if a major glaciel formations breaks away from the Antartic n has not melted — will it count in the sq mileage measure … fyi if so the sq mi measure for most continents would vary when they experience their springs (more ice bergs).Your information was completely off and actually didnt make any sense if Europe is bigger in landmass then Australia how is it the smallest continent in the world. Because the shapes and boundaries of continents are always changing. There are a […],The incidence of obesity in the United States is soaring.