When laying on the direct body contact is also important. This remains one of the great riddles in the fascinating world of gemstones.Gemstone lovers, however, simply rejoice in the fact that there are tourmalines from Africa in a spirited greenish-blue on the market, as an alternative to the legendary Paraiba tourmalines.ICA stands in solidarity with the Black community, our members, employees, and Board of Directors, in the fight against systemic racism and injustice. Some Paraíba tourmalines actually come from the neighbouring northern Brazilian state of Rio Grande Do Norte but it is accepted practice for these to use the Paraíba name. Paraiba Tourmaline is a gemstone that has a meaning and properties of strengthening intuitive power. Browse our selection of gemstone jewelry and design your own gemstone ring or … If in our thoughts we shift the coastline of South America eastward, we will find that it fits the west coast of Africa like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle.Nigeria nestles nicely by the north-east of Brazil.

Some dealers (particularly prevalent on eBay) have resorted to selling counterfeit Paraiba tourmalines that are actually a much more common tourmaline variety that have been artificially dyed. The stone is (was) only known to exist in two known locations on earth,2. So even the smallest specimens on the gemstone market are traded at high prices.Usual are in particularly beautiful Paraiba’s with strong colors (so-called AAA Paraiba Tourmaline), a high degree of purity and a very high quality of the cut $ 10,000 to 50,000 per carat. Because of this the colour of the gemstone is important when valuing it.

Five-figure prices per carat are by no means exceptional for fine, large specimens from Paraiba.Within a very short time, the market positively soaked up the modest supply of raw stones, which is thoroughly understandable, since Nature had created a gemstone which was peerless in terms of its colour and luminosity. Faceted, they scintillate a really unusual 'fire' and appear to glow intensely even when there is very little light.

If a crystal puts three carats (1 carat = 0.2 g) on ​​the fine balance, that is a lot for a Brazilian Paraiba tourmaline.The largest crystals of Paraiba tourmalines are found in African Nigeria.

Rare colors for the highest quality stones will reach far into the five digit USD ranges for per-carat costs. Nigerian Paraiba tourmalines are darker than the Brazilian “relatives”, while the color of Paraiba tourmalines from Mozambique is slightly lighter than Paraiba tourmalines from Brazil.Despite the color variety, the line color – the color that appears when a mineral is painted over an unglazed porcelain board – is white. According to the latest edition of the blue book of the CIBJO nomenclature, the term Paraiba tourmaline can be used for all green and blue tourmalines whose color can be attributed to the trace element copper – so it does not depend on the origin.This means that since the colors, the gemological properties and even the geological environment are almost identical, the corresponding specimens from Africa can also be called “Paraiba Tourmaline”.In fact, almost all of the Paraiba Tourmalines available on the market come from Mozambique, not from Brazil.Paraiba tourmaline clears up confusion and gives a strong sense of justice.In addition, this healing stone facilitates the making of difficult decisions and thereby promotes life experience.

This helps in all life situations, especially with emotional problems.The Paraiba tourmaline is one of the most important healing stones of all. The discovery of copper rich tourmalines of intense blues, greens and violets near the village of San Jose Da Batalha radically altered the future perception of this area for generations of gemstone connoisseurs.

Prices for Paraíba tourmalines easily outstrip those of other tourmalines, because of their highly desirable hues, deep colour saturation and extreme rarity.

But suddenly, five and a half years after the cut of the first spade, the first signs of a tourmaline find manifested themselves in the tangle of galleries, shafts and tunnels. But Nature does have the odd surprise up its sleeve. Paraiba Tourmaline … As with the color, differences in the size of the crystals are evident in the origin. It is true to say that their colours are, in general, a touch lighter, but the difference is such that the layman will hardly notice it. The aura of these treasures of Nature is both fresh and spirited at the same time.The 'swimming-pool-blue' of a Paraiba tourmaline positively flashes with vivacity, and you don't have to be an expert to see it.Paraiba tourmalines are almost always quite small, since the beautiful cupriferous tourmaline crystals from the 'noble hill' in Paraiba were almost all fragments when they were discovered. On the other hand, given that there is essentially no live supply, most gem dealers do not even carry these stones.