Then wait at least ten seconds before killing one of the hostages, which should make Boone comment about "could've saved them", gaining the one remaining point.
The Courier must have Boone with them as a companion to activate this quest. Quiz Boone about his wife then what happened at Bitter Springs, fast-travel somewhere, and he'll ask to go to Bitter Springs. I was exploring Novac now and I find a safe with the proof. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Wave 1 starts close to the sloping hill up to the refugee camp, and by the time the Courier gets there, they could be among the tents. If the Powder Gangers were rescued during the quest Booted, Boone will tell the Courier about the state of affairs with the NCR and Caesar's Legion in the Mojave Wasteland.

Talk to Boone about staying overnight at Coyote Tail Ridge. Boone can enter the fray like other aggressive characters but maintaining a healthy distance during most situations will allow him to use his abilities effectively.

This takes some strategic positioning to pull off, as the last wave has a head start by the graves on the other side of the town. While the eradication can be done at any time, for it to count towards Boone's history points it has to be done while doing. He then told me to never talk to him again and told me to get lost because I had no proof. Some tougher units will be mingled with the later waves. It's best just not to think about it. Turns Boone's primary fire into a single, sniper shot that can pick off opponents from any distance with pin-point accuracy. An alternate strategy is to plant a bunch of C4 and mines by the graves where the third wave spawns and blow them up as they run by. (He is located in front of the big tent to the left of the white building with the red flag during the day.) The two non-human followers are Ed-E and Rex.

I rescued hostages in Nelson, clear out the quest at Teccititup mine (However you spell that), and rescue Powder Ganger hostage at Legion Raiding Camp.

Press J to jump to the feed. To find their locations, watch the videos below. In order to trigger the quest, the player must accumulate at least 5 \"history\" points with Boone.Note that these \"history/trust points\" can only be … Prerequisite: Animal companion class feature or familiar class feature. Next: How to Get The King Slime Crown in Final Fantasy XIV. I rescued hostages in Nelson, clear out the quest at Teccititup mine (However you spell that), and rescue Powder Ganger hostage at Legion Raiding Camp. It largely consists of recruits, but they can be tough to defeat, especially if trying to avoid casualties. wife and sold her as a slave. After making a comment about untying or killing the hostages, Boone will have an additional dialogue about "mercy killing" when initiating conversation with him. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. After a Speech check of 30 or better is passed the Courier may suggest going back to Bitter Springs. Definitely doesn't, since I am just now doing that after 150 hours.
First untie all the hostages, wait till Boone finishes his comment about saving them, which gives the two points as intended. Boon companion definition is - a close friend. Up vote (0) IN. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. What made you want to look up boon companion? Side Quest: I Forgot to Remember to Forget. The only thing you can do is load up an earlier save if you have one and re-do the quest but make sure to have the evidence before finishing the quest. He first appears in, Talking to Bitter-Root about his history: +1, Note that this history point is earned for Silus's death at any point, not just during the, Disarm the monorail bomb: +1 (no additional point awarded for this after patch, see Bugs). That's the thing.

Players on the other end of the barrel might find themselves already spinning off into the air due to the sheer force and damage it does to their Mega Blast meter. Boone will typically immediately talk to the Courier once the last enemy is dead, but not always.