Among the men Cohen had befriended, many became officials in the new government and were high-ranking military officers -- including the head of intelligence, Colonel Ahmad Suweidani…

Kamel wanted to return to Israel, but Intelligence officers suggested him to stay back for the last assignment. אלי כהן מודע לכל מה שקורה, ולמעשה הוא תורם את תרומתו לביצוע ההפיכה ולטבח של נאמני המשטר הקודם.מצער הדבר שהסדרה הקפידה לא להכניס לעלילה כלל את מנהיגי ההפיכה ומשטר הבעת האמיתיים, את חאפז אלאסד ואת צלאח ג’דיד, מי שינהיגו את סוריה בשנים ובעשורים הבאים, והם נשארים לחלוטין מאחורי הקלעים (אם כי חאפז אסד מוזכר פעם אחת ויחידה וג’דיד כלל לא).היה זה מעניין ביותר לראות קטע שבו פוגש אלי כהן את חאפז אל אסד, מי שבסופו של דבר הוא שהחליט, עם צלאח ג’דיד, שאלי כהן ייתלה.אנחנו כן מתוודעים ליחסים המורכבים בין אלי כהן ונשיא סוריה, והמנהיג הנומינאלי, אמין אל חאפז. He was not head of Hafez’s security in Argentina. Wednesday, September 23, 2020,Photo Credit: Olivier Fitoussi / Flash 90.Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A few weeks before, Lt. Gen. Ahmad Suweidani had been a colonel assigned to the Syrian embassy in Beijing as military attaché. Though Syria’s 250 tanks and 250 artillery pieces were generally of more recent vintage than Israel’s, their maintenance was minimal. 7 – Major General Ahmed Suweidani: Suweidani later became chief of staff in Syria, but he was not the head of al-Hafez’s security in Argentina.
Moreover, Sheikh al-Ard once spoke about his admiration of Adolf Hitler, which immediately caused the relationship between him and Cohen to weaken after 1962.”.Sheikh al-Ard did not witness Cohen’s execution and so did not doff his hat to the spy. The Spy stars Sacha Baron Cohen, most famous for his 2006 … The general staff had prepared two plans: Operation Jihad to defend the rugged Golan Heights, and Operation Nasr (“Victory”) for a two-pronged armor assault on either side of the Sea of Galilee, followed by a march in the port of Haifa in northern Israel.

Among the men Cohen had befriended, many became officials in the new government and were high-ranking military officers -- including the head of intelligence, Colonel Ahmad Suweidani, and Syrian President Amin al-Hafiz. He was hanged in Martyr’s Square with the television cameras rolling for the entire world to see.Cohen left behind his wife Nadia and three children, all living in Israel.Watching the video Tuesday after its release was difficult, to say the least, for Nadia Cohen and other family members.“There were tears and nerves as we watched, how they lowered him down from the rope into the coffin, to see three cars circling around and to see the crowd in the square with celebratory music blaring. One was recounted by Judge Salah al-Dalali, who presided over the court that sentenced Cohen to death.

A few weeks before, Lt. Gen. Ahmad Suweidani had been a colonel assigned to the Syrian embassy in Beijing as military attaché. In October 2014, there was a merger between Manaf's group, Sayf's group and two other groups to form the Khalid bin al-Waleed Brigade, led by Manaf himself.This brigade was incorporated into a larger conglomerate of MOC-backed groups called the First Legion, which was part of the wider MOC-backed Southern Front coalition. All Rights Reserved.Rare Captured Footage Released Shows Israeli Spy Eli Cohen’s Execution.We use cookies and other technologies to recognize your visits and preferences, as well as to measure and analyze campaigns and traffic. The series did get Suweidani’s suspicions against Cohen right. Moreover, such a position is restricted to military figures and no civilian can occupy it.לכאורה נכון עובדתית אבל .בספר שפורסם בעברית ובצרפתית בשנות השישים של ישעיהו בן פורת ואורי דן שעליו התבססו כותבי הסדרה נכתב במפורש שהייתה מחשבה למנות את אלי כהן ל”שר הביטחון “. לדעתי מן הראוי היה להציג את הסיפור מההתחלה ועד הסוף, ולהשאיר את הצופים עם תחושת מתח: ימלט או לא ימלט?בני משפחתו של אלי כהן התלוננו על כך שהסדרה הייתה שונה מהמציאות הידועה של חייו של אלי כהן בנקודות שונות.