Funding awards are typically made 6 weeks before the workshop begins. Thus, the main outcome of the workshop is skills development and empowerment of participants in the use of Game Theory in the analysis and design of policy and implementation issues. We show that level-k model reproduces the same comparative statics and offers predictions close to the logit QRE within this class of games. The workshop immediately follows a 2-week summer graduate program at MSRI on this topic, and it is expected that many of the graduate students will stay for the workshop. It was given ‎by Bilal Estiti, President of the Arab Parliament for Training Experts ‎in Palestine.‎ The workshop aimed to introduce students to the game theory as a ‎model for public relations decision-making. Besides, in many areas of management and public policy, game theory has become an invaluable tool of analysis of policy design and more nuanced prediction of socio-economic problems and outcomes of policies in developing countries such as Nigeria.However, despite the usefulness of game theory in diagnosing and designing more robust policy solutions to the social and economic problems of relevance to Nigeria, most researchers and policy makers in Nigeria have little or no exposure to this increasingly indispensable tool in the analyst’s toolkit. 3:00 pm Afternoon Tea 3:30 pm Fabian Maeser Global threats in combinatorial games: A computation model with applications to chess endgames 4:00 pm Vadim Anshelevich The game of Hex: The hierarchical approach Tuesday, July 25, morning: PARTIZAN GAMES 9:00 am Tom Ferguson Another form of Matrix Nim 10:00 am Morning Tea 10:30 am Frank Harary, Wolfgang Slany, Oleg Verbitsky A symmetric strategy in graph avoidance games 11:00 am Len Haff A natural map of numbers and combinatorial games 12:00 am Georg Snatzke Amazons 12:30 noon Lunch Tuesday, July 25, afternoon: CHARACTERISTIC TWO 1:30 pm Richard Nowakowski The game of End-Nim 2:30 pm Katherine Scott Loony dots and boxes endgame 3:00 pm Afternoon Tea 3:30 pm Howard Landman Alternate proof of the periodicity of the Sprague Grundy Function of Wythoff's Game 4:00 pm Dong Geon Kim A decoding scheme for 4-ary lexicodes with minimum distance 4 5:00 pm Reception Wednesday, July 26, morning: PUZZLES 9:00 am Demo Session, north end of second floor 10:30 am Morning Tea 11:00 am Eric Demaine, Martin Demaine, Helena Verrill Coin-moving puzzles 11:30 am Jeremiah Farrell Games on word configurations 12:00 am Cris Moore One-dimensional Peg Solitaire 12:15 noon Lunch Wed., July 26, afternoon: PROBABILITISTIC, MULTI-PLAYER 1:30 pm Matthew Ginsberg Games of some chance: Extending computational techniques to games of imperfect information 2:30 pm Arthur Benjamin Le Her 3:00 pm Afternoon Tea 3:30 pm Hiroyuki Iida An approach to three-person game programming: A case study using Mediocrity 4:00 pm Open Problem Session Thursday, July 27: INFINITE GAMES AND CELLULAR AUTOMATA 9:30 am John Conway TBA 10:30 am Morning Tea 11:00 am Scott Huddleston,Jerry Shurman Transfinite Chomp 11:30 am Jacob Lurie Vines 12:00 noon Lunch 1:30 pm David Wolfe Go endgames are hard 2:00 pm David Eppstein Searching for spaceships 2:30 pm Afternoon Tea 3:00 pm Aviezri Fraenkel Two-player games on cellular automata Friday, July 28 (also Berlekamp Conference) 9:00 am Martin Mueller Arrows: A Program that Plays Amazons 9:30 am Takenobu Takizawa An Application of Mathematical Game Theory to Go Endgames: Some Width-Two-Entrance Rooms with/without Kos 10:00 am Morning Tea 10:30 am Sol Golomb Hypercube Tic-Tac-Toe 11:30 am Lunch 1:15 pm David Moews The abstract structure of the group of games 1:30 pm Jonathan Schaeffer The Games Computers (and People) Play 2:30 pm Afternoon Tea 3:00 pm Bob Li A game of switching network and a game of triangles,Eric Demaine, Martin Demaine, Helena Verrill,CAS Subcommittee on Academic Sponsors Day,CAS Subcommittee on Summer Graduate Schools,Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy,Governance Meetings: Travel Policies & Procedures,Researchers: Travel Policies & Procedures,Airline Travel Reimbursement Restrictions,Combinatorial Game Theory (Summer Graduate Workshop II),Analysis Tools: "Brute-Force" and "Winsolve",Alternate proof of the periodicity of the Sprague Grundy Function of Wythoff's Game,Analysis of the 4/21/98 Jiang-Rui endgame,Analysis Tools "Brute-Force" and "Winsolve",Half-a-centrury of computer chess: The ongest running,Who wins Domineering on recutangular boards,The game of Hex: The hierarchiical approach,Global threats in conbinatorial games: A computation model with applications to chess endgames,A symmetric strategy in graph avoidance games,A natural map of numbers and combinatorial games,Games of chance: Extending computational technoques to games of imperfect information,An approach to three-person game programming: A case study using Mediocrity,A decodeing scheme for 4-ary lexicodes with minimum distance 4.How close to Maximum Likelihood is iterative (Turb) Decoding?An application of Mathematical Game theory to Go Endgames: Some Width-Two-Entrance Rooms with/without Kos,The abstract structure of the group of games,The influences of algebraic geometry of curves over finite fields on coding.Fast Implemenations of Berlekamp's BCH Decoding Algorithm.Exponential sums and improved minimum distance bounds for codes and improvements on the Chevalley of,Fast Implementations of Berlekamp's BCH Decoding Algorithm,Exponential sums and improved minimum distance bounds for codes and improvements on the Chevalley-Warning and Ax-Katz results,A game of switching network and a game of triangles.