Clara Oswald With a lesser cast than Capaldi and Coleman, this final act undoubtedly would not have worked. Clara confesses that Danny is still dead, and the Doctor admits he did not find Gallifrey.

Clara had to look at at the Doctor’s four billion years of self-flagellation, and with sensitivity and sincerity, say no. : Every Christmas is last Christmas, and this is ours.

'Quoth the raven, "Nevermore".' Just as the Doctor’s style is eccentric, his companions typically enjoy cute but practical styles that often mirror or represent the characters’ backgrounds in ways that are fun to untangle. : The Doctor Clara Oswald is a fictional character played by Jenna Coleman in Doctor Who.

This was a bonus. She wears it once during a montage of “The Caretaker,” and before that in the beginning of “Robot of Sherwood,” albeit with a crimson plaid skirt, rather than the lovely navy printed one she wears in this episode. You'd better be sad. : !” in a matter of seconds. Clara Oswald died two episodes ago, and since then the Doctor has been working his way through the stages of grief.

"[53] The dynamic between Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy was an influence on Coleman and Smith. Identical women, worlds and times apart, impossibly giving the Doctor the same message. Yet, Clara’s relationship with Capaldi’s Doctor was specifically platonic; she acted as half psychiatrist, half den-mother.

American audiences perhaps know the comedian best for her role in the later seasons of "The Office.".

... Because every time they do, it might be the last time.


Clear? By all given accounts Face the Raven was a milk run: This season alone, Clara has escaped from at least four positions more precarious. Clara ditches the flowy look of Christmases past in favor of a more fitted silhouette with a white button-up underneath a black sweater and a short but cute plaid skirt.

Filming & Production

She pairs a mustard yellow sweater underneath a purple plaid dress, which is reminiscent of a look Nancy is shown wearing in the 2007 movie. Gallifrey is back, and special effects have finally progressed enough to do justice to its domed cities and opulent costumes. Clara Oswald It seemed almost poetic that Tywin Lannister (portrayed by Charles Dance) was killed by his son Tyrion on an episode of "Game of Thrones" that aired on Father's Day 2014.


The Tardis is outside. Clara Oswald Danny The character of medical student Lucy Knight (played by Kellie Martin) was stabbed to death by a mentally disturbed patient on "ER.".

The Doctor finds Clara Oswald (this time with no middle name) in contemporary London through her phone call, and takes her on as a companion with a goal to solving the mystery of the "impossible girl". It was a less than dignified end for the Lord of Casterly Rock, who bought it while on the commode. "I think it's great," she told. Merry Christmas, Clara Oswald.

I don't know. "The Walking Dead" kicked off the second half of its season by killing off Tyreese (Chad L. Coleman), a moral center of the show. And though the Doctor goes off on one of his predictable bravado-filled rants, threatening to rain down 18 different kinds of war upon Maisie Williams’ Ashildr, the moment he realizes Clara is really going to die, we see what it looks like when the Doctor finally loses his shit. In fact, the exit was so stunning, it left Jenna Coleman herself in tears.

Emily Kinney's Beth got into an altercation with Dawn (Christine Woods) that led to her death. The Doctor Darvill co-starred with Tennant on "Broadchurch.".

He was the closest to James Bond of any of the Doctors, earthbound and a big fan of traveling in flashy vehicles.