NOAA Fisheries estimates population size in its stock assessment reports.While the worldwide population of Fraser's dolphins is unknown, scientists estimate that at least 100,000 to 289,000 Fraser’s dolphins live in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.To manage Fraser's dolphins in U.S. waters, we have divided them into three stocks: the Hawaiian stock, the northern Gulf of Mexico stock, and the western North Atlantic stock.

Jefferson, T.A., S. Leatherwood, and M.A. The upper side is a gray-blue to gray-brown. The Hector’s dolphins are listed as one of the endangered dolphins in the world. Dolphin hunting was banned in the Philippines in 1992, which has reduced the sale of dolphin meat on the open market.

Research Lagenodelphis hosei @Barcode of Life ~ BioOne ~ Biodiversity Heritage Library ~ CITES ~ Cornell Macaulay Library ~ Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) ~ ESA Online Journals ~ FishBase ~ Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department ~ GBIF ~ Google Scholar ~ ITIS ~ IUCN RedList (Threatened Status) ~ Marine Species Identification Portal ~ NCBI (PubMed, GenBank, etc.) This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

It is one of the most recently recognized cetaceans. The Endangered Dolphins. Adults measure about 2 m in length and weigh up to 210kg. Their color varies with age and sex.

Unfortunately some dolphin species are considered endangered due to historical and current day factors that caused many dolphins to lose their lives.. Dolphins are an amazing species of marine mammals which belong to the cetacean family..

Fraser’s dolphins, Lagenodelphis hosei (Fraser, 1956), aka Sarawak or Borneo dolphins, are stocky cetaceans with short but distinct beaks. Adults measure about 2 m in length and weigh up to 210 kg. During the first half of the twentieth century, the knowledge about this species came only from some bones until 1971 when scientist rediscovered the species thanks to the sighting of a live specimen in 1970.The name of this dolphin is in honor of Francis Fraser, its discoverer in 1956. Learn how your comment data is processed. Fraser’s dolphins form large schools consisting of hundreds and sometimes thousands of dolphins. When the net closes the dolphin is unable to get out. 320 p. 587 figs. This isn't as commen but they can also get badly hurt by boat motors.

Fraser’s dolphins are caught as bycatch by purse-seines used by the tuna fishery in the eastern Pacific, and some have been caught in gill nets in Sri Lanka and the Philippines. They seem to be relatively scarce in the Atlantic Ocean, although they are seen from the Lesser Antilles, the Gulf of Mexico, and Venezuela. Fraser’s dolphins, Lagenodelphis hosei, feed on deep water species, often diving to depths of 250-500 m to feed on mesopelagic (midwater open ocean) fishes, shrimps, and squids. Adults display a black stripe that extends down the length of their body, which is wider in adult males, absent or faint in juveniles, … At full maturity these dolphins are known to reach lengths of around 6 to 9 ft. and weigh between 350 – 450 lbs.

The Fraser’s dolphin was scientifically described for the first time in 1956 Although the first specimen analyzed was in Borneo in 1895. Fraser's dolphins are about 1 m (3 ft 3 in) long and 20 kg (44 lb) weight at birth, growing to 2.75 m (9 ft 0 in) and 200 kg (440 lb) at adulthood. According to the IUCN Red List, 5 species and 6 subspecies of dolphins are endangered. 1993. A mass stranding was also reported in France during that time.

Fraser’s Dolphin | NOAA Fisheries Jefferson, T.A., S. Leatherwood, and M.A. This species has been harpooned by commercial interests selling their meat for bait and human consumption. Their color varies with age and sex. The under body is typically a creamy white color, however some dolphins may have a pinkish ton… The entire cetacean species is made up of whales, dolphins and porpoises..