have also impacted on society's world over. Discover everything Scribd has to offer, including books and audiobooks from major publishers. News, travel, documentary, drama, etc.

The programmes that fulfil the informational function include: News bulletins, weather reports, market prices. +any people can call in and.

For example a church founded. For example focus on. it sounds good to here this from you sir, now u tell me, what are the non-secodary function of radio? The Functions of Radio and Their Future in the Evolving Radio Broadcasting” EDUCATE (EDUCATION) 2. The prime function of information is to ensure the welfare of society and the individual. ENTERTAIN (ENTERTAINMENT) NON-FORMAL EDUCATION: Planned educational and informational radio programming that is not part of any formal education syllabus. Entertainment aims to provide a release from stress and tension. &ocumentaries on agriculture, health. +oral degeneration is #rought in #y the, adult programmes aired on radio without censorship. organi!ations who wish to help them deal with their pro#lems. Point is, the reality against which is placed, is already an interpretation . interaction amongst callers in di(erent areas. What type of energy translation does a radio do, Sir so radio can make and Mar society if not properly used. $eart patients. 100% found this document useful (4 votes), 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save Roles and Functions of Radio in Society For Later, Radio is an electronic medium of audio communication, .Radios provide information through news, talk shows, adverts.

Through the documentaries, drama and ui! \"Radio waves\" transmit music, conversations, pictures and data invisibly through the air, often over millions of miles -- it happens every day in thousands of different ways! widen their market. Radio presents to society issues yet to #ecome pu#lic, decision. These elements make news items more appealing. A strong element of show business (entertainment) is added to infotainment in order to draw a large audience. . 1ther negative roles, played #y the media include2 disinformation, discrimination,and tri#alism, Association of 6ganda excellence award. Information receives some form of interpretation with an educational overtones, more especially in developing communities. Information cannot be a bare version of fact without any interpretation. Radio stations receive revenue from the adverts aired. Functions and roles. $e has, environment and health related causes. It is difficult to be purely objective and to present straight facts, more especially in news broadcasts. can use radio to solicit for operation funds they cannot a(ord. Edgar Malatji: PRIMARY/BASIC FUNCTIONS OF RADIO. Often the informative content is dramatised with elements of entertainment. Even though radio waves are invisible and completely undetectable to humans, they have totally changed society.

shows aired on, $iv%Aids, agriculture aired.

An element of pleasure and amusement, classical example Eugene Terre’Blanche falling from his horse during a protest rally in church square in Pretoria.

Mass media (Radio) are a source of most information. INFORM (INFORMATION) 3. Sir so radio have only three basic functions? knowledge of products in the market. Radio is an electronic medium of audio communication. By talking, a#out a corrupt government o)cial, society mem#ers are #rought on #oard, stand for society values, goals and culture. What are the secondary functions of radio Sir? This results in a crossover between the entertainment and information producing the infotainment function.

Information .Radios provide information through news, talk shows, adverts. Radio can #e used as an early warning tool. The di(erent music, . INFORMAL EDUCATION: An ongoing process affecting almost everyone and which can be gained from almost all programmes, such as the news, talk-shows, discussions, etc. Whether we are talking about a cell phone, a baby monitor, a cordless phone or any one of the thousands of other wireless technologies, all of them … where people share pro#lems with counsellors, doctors and get answers or, However, radio has played negative roles in society, people to riot against those in power. Africa programme on BBC world service radio. Society depends on radio and other media for most of its experiences. Radio reflects human performance and brings messages into the homes and minds of the listeners. THREE PRIMARY/ BASIC FUNCTIONS OF RADIO ARE: Any programme on Radio can have an educational function, e.g. &i(erent people in society, use this uniue social space to air their views. Below are some of the most important uses of radio, organized by function. Media Scholar, PR Specialist and Soccer Analyst, I'd like to acknowledge Lucas Oosthuizen: Introduction to Communication, Course Book5. The radio determines what audience will discuss airing it. "ociety mem#ers are entertained through music and plays. Radio kills #oredom and occupies people through leisure. Radio presents ideas and actions in the public interests and provides contemporary events, base for the future historical record of the society. Radio can +o#ili!e society for, participation of society in leadership and hold leaders accounta#le, -latform for peoples di(erent views and opinions. THREE PRIMARY/ BASIC FUNCTIONS OF RADIO ARE: 1. People listening to the same programme (Sport) and discussing it among themselves at a later stage.