The areas that a retrograde planet rules can become weak, challenging or troublesome during this cycle.

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Old friends, lovers and past issues can resurface, giving you a chance to reconnect or revise. During a Mercury retrograde cycle, arguments and misunderstandings rage, plans fall apart, cars break down, and computers crash suddenly. Dive into your subconscious, do healing work and therapy, explore and question your spiritual beliefs. Mars is retrograde every two years for about two months, which can stir up conflict and fighting. Recognize where you are being bullied or dominated—or where you may be overpowering someone else—and resolve the situation. Have sex with an ex (with caution!).

Gain closure with an ex…or reunite if the timing is better.

Venus: Retrograde from May 12 through June 26, 2020 Venus is the planet of beauty, connected to the senses, pleasure, relationships, and art. Mercury retrograde: Get in touch with old friends and contacts, back up devices and data, edit and clarify your thoughts, dust off an old writing project or course of study. The most commonly-known retrograde is Mercury—planet of communication, transportation, travel and technology—which goes retrograde for three weeks, three or four times a year.

Release a grudge, lay down your swords. Make peace with a woman in your life. Go back to school, finish a degree or certification. Saturn retrograde: Tighten up your plans, rethink your goals and career path. Pluto retrograde: Explore your “shadow side” and delve into old fears, limiting beliefs and entrenched unconscious patterns. Then, once the Earth completely passes this planet in its orbit, the motion appears normal again, and the planet is said to be “direct” or “prograde” (to use the snappy scientific term). Work through father issues (good thing Saturn goes retrograde once a year, eh?). By definition, a planet is retrograde when it is moving backward in the sky. However, in astrology, the significance of a retrograde is much deep and complex than just an apparent motion. Make peace with a man in your life. Work on practicing patience. Astrologers advise precautions: back up your digital files before this period begins, postpone any deals, and plan to be repeat or explain yourself a few extra times. Tighten up your routines and plans during these periods, and you’ll be ready to rock when the retrograde period ends. Chances are, you’ve been in a vehicle that felt like it was moving in reverse when it was passed, so you know the feeling! Get back to an old sport or exercise routine. Travel to an old favorite place. Love planet Venus goes retrograde every 18 months, which can reveal any weak links in a relationship or bring back past paramours.