Campaign Zero. CHARGE ALL FOUR OF THE OFFICERS 8. Join us and sign both of the petitions below today. RUBBER BULLET BAN 9. Petitions to sign. If you're looking to actually make a change, beyond the confines of Instagram and Twitter, here are a handful of Black Lives Matter petitions that are certainly worth signing. The Bail Project.

The Hands Up Act is a proposed piece of legislation that suggests officers receive a mandatory 15-year... 2. TRAYVON MARTIN LAW 6. Justice for Ahmaud Arbery. Advocacy is extremely important during these trying times, and solely posting to social media about the Black Lives Matter movement just isn't enough. HANDS UP ACT 4.
Stand Up To Racism UK. JUSTICE FOR GEORGE FLOYD 3. Justice for Belly Mujinga.

We will be hit… Justice for Breonna Taylor JUSTICE FOR BREONNA TAYLOR 5.

A list of organisations to fund, put together by Reclaim the Block. American Civil Liberties Union. 12 Petitions You Can Sign to Support the Black Lives Matter Movement 1. 23 Petitions To Sign To Support Black Lives Matter 1. #WeAreDoneDying.

There are a number of petitions calling for justice for individuals – if you haven’t already, please take the time to look into the cases including Jacob Blake , George Floyd, Belly Mujinga, Shukri Abdi, Breonna Taylor, David McAtee and Ahmaud Arbery.

JUSTICE FOR WILLE SIMMONS 7. Every signature counts.

Unicorn Riot. Demand Racial Data on Coronavirus We are losing our friends, family, and neighbors at unprecedented and disproportionate rates as COVID-19 tears through our communities. The Liberty Fund. Justice for George Floyd.

#DefundThePolice. Black Lives Matter. RAISE THE DEGREE 2.

LIFT THE HOODS 10. Hands Up Act.