They were eventually excommunicated by the Imperium after they launched an attack on a Black Templar Fleet, destroying several of their vessels in the process. They were declared Excommunicate Traitoris. The Berserkers of Arnkorn is a Chaos warband that is supported by both Traitor Militia and Chaos Space Marine forces. ", Putrid BlightKings,Gutrot Spume,Maggoth Lords & Glottkin, What is the most powerful melee combat in warhammer fantasy. The Varangian Iron Guard is a Renegade Grand Company of the notoriously ruthless Iron Warriors Traitor Legion. Thus, by their service to the Ruinous Powers, they are fulfilling their Gene-Father’s final orders. As the legion changed to become hedonistic barbarians, Vanitas had enough. As this is an ongoing project, additional Chaos Warbands will be added or removed accordingly. After centuries of locking up battle brother after battle brother, the Angels of Purity believed themselves to be cursed by the Imperium, that they were in fact the evil of the universe and not, as they were told, the Great Enemy . The Emperor's Children fight for sensation and sensory overload, bringing a clashing cacophony of sound, colour, and energy to the battlefield. They are known to be very politically motivated and often they try to corrupt a world to where they can operate in secrecy with all sorts of bribery, graft, vice, and extortion. So much so that they like to freeze trespassers within ice and decorate them around their holdings as a warning sign of all those who dare step foot on the 'world of the giants'. Once known as the Order of the Emperor's Tarot, the Coven of Dark Fates is responsible for the spread of Chaos throughout the Ecclesiarch controlled Steel Saint Sub-Sector. When Horus gathered his forces, the Thousand Sons tried to use their occult powers to warn the Emperor of the Warmaster's betrayal. There are no Chaos Warbands or Renegade Chapters that begin with the letter 'Q'. The rot spread quickly through the Legion, and the Emperor's Children embraced Chaos, particularly the Prince of Pleasure, in all its depravity. Formerly an unknown company of the Emperor's Children, the Epicureans were obsessed with the idea of flavor and culinary delights. The Wolves of Retribution are an infamous Chaos Warband that was formerly a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter created during an Unknown Founding and from uncertain lineage. In the 10,000 years since their creation, many Space Marines have betrayed the Emperor and turned to worship of the Chaos Gods. Each type of Chaos Warband may include troops from the other types (e.g., a Chaos Mortals Warband can include Beasts of Chaos) per the normal rules. Originally the Wardens moved into the Dragontooth Nebula on a Crusade for the Emperor, where the Chapter and their Second Company commander, Captain Maklegor, would be corrupted by an ancient relic of Chaos. The Vindicta is a mysterious group of Fallen Angels. This Rubric of Ahriman however reduced most of the Thousand Sons to soulless suits of animated armour known as Rubric Marines, but left the surviving Sorcerers unmatched in power. They favour heavy weaponry like Lascannons or Missile Launchers for long-range engagements, although well-equipped Iron Warriors Assault Squads are also rightly feared. Such cults are known as The Cult of the Blue Hand of Tzeentch. This is a pictorial list of official Traitor Legions and Renegade Space … The Dusk Owls are a Chaos Space Marine renegade Warband that are Undivided mercenaries.Many of their members stem from their Warbands and even Renegades are often seen as a way of recruitment. Following their ill-fated sojourn into the Eye of Terror, the Blood Jaws were slowly corrupted by the insidious touch of the Blood God. Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Now, those few Imperials who know of their existence speak their name with the deepest scorn and the fiercest hatred. This loss festered in the Warband for centuries leading them to assault the location where this insult occurred. The Wraith Claws are a notorious Chaos Warband that were former members of the Shattered Star Space Marine Chapter that was created during the lamentable 21st 'Cursed' Founding.

The Iron Warriors once formed the Emperor's legion of siege troops. Was so much fun! Some seek an escape from their maddening prison. The Sensorians are a warband of Chaos Space Marines who serve the Prince of Pleasure, The Serpents of Light were once a Loyalist, The Shadowed Ones are a large Renegade Warband comprised of.

From this point on, they are fated to walk the path of the Chaos Champion as much as any of the original Traitors of the Horus Heresy. The Wraiths of Maklegor are a Chaos Warband comprised of Traitor Astartes, mutants and heretics that constantly seek to prove their unholy faith to their patron Chaos God, Nurgle. Most disdain long-ranged warfare, preferring to close with the enemy to kill them with Chainaxe, Power Sword, and (if need be) Bolt Pistols. This list does not include warbands that fall into the humour category. By continuing to use this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.