Able to fly at low altitudes and avoid radar detection, the Khan can carry up to 6 tons. Voilà, c'est fait. The game's sales in the German region had surpassed 60,000 units by May, a performance that publisher Topware Interactive considered acceptable, according to PC Player's Udo Hoffman. A fail message comes. The main weapon platform of the LC is the hovercraft. He was therefore able to capitalize on any oppurtunity to create a strong, new empire. They catch on quickly however, and build some of the more exotic weapons of the game including the Electro-cannon, which emits electricity, much like lightning, to destroy targets (Please note that the units do not need power like buildings; they recharge themselves and are purely self-sufficient) The Sonic-cannon, which emits a moderately powerful radial effect that damages all enemies around it. When the ED fleet reached Mars however, they met heavy opposition from the LC forces, which had already arrived on the red planet. Yet another somewhat original feature is the unit customization model. No-one can come to rescue us. Can you help me? Your home base will always be safe from attackers, and it’s where you construct the evacuation ship. In addition, both the ED and the UCS now possess submarine units armed with ballistic missiles (nuclear for ED, plasma for UCS). Quelque chose n'a pas fonctionné correctement. The first effects of this were noticed in 2150, and as a result, Khan Vladimir II decided to build an evacuation fleet to escape the planet. It also includes an experience system for the units, indicated by a green and black line under the health bar. Each has its own unique style and army. It is up to the player to decide how it will play out, and who will win. "I have decided to send a few men up to the surface. His ambition was to conquer both Americas and hammer the laziness out of the UCS citizens. Pour recevoir de l’aide technique sur le jeu, veuillez contacter notre support. To counter this, the SDI Defense Center building has been upgraded in the patch: it now shoots down not only nuclear missiles, but the UCS Plasma Control Center's plasma bolts as well, resulting in the LC Weather Control Center remaining as the only truly unstoppable superweapon. Later that year a new enemy appeared. The planet has been knocked out of orbit and is on a collision course with the sun. They are ruled by a descendant of Genghis Khan and follow old Soviet ideology of mass numbers and superior firepower. © 2020 Old PC Gaming. Not having been at war for many years; the LC military machine is almost non-existent. 1280 x 1024 x 32. i ran the autorun but its showing to put the cd. In 2132, the impetuous and cunning Khan Nicholas III came to power.

Nine comrades have fallen and fourteen have been injured. The UCS has long been at war with the Eurasian Dynasty. Generals wasted little time officially consolidating the power which they had enjoyed throughtout the war. 3. During the flight to Mars, the ED leadership seems to have changed. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Nicholas' nephew, Vladimir, a master of the insidious (the only quality the entire familiy shared), made most of it.
Reality Pump Studios, ... Windows XP / Vista / 7, 1 GHz, 256 MB RAM, 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible wi... Vous devrez tenir compte du paysage complètement en 3D lorsque vous planifierez le déploiement de vos troupes : il vous faudra escalader des montagnes vertigineuses, ériger des fortifications et aménager de grands réseaux de tunnels. Research functions were taken over by a new institute in the Urals, the Kurchatov Research Center. ", September 2nd 2049 Toutes les marques commerciales et marques déposées sont la propriété de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Zugij even had a few more aces up his sleeve. And a mighty new empire arose from the ruins of civilization - the Eurasian Dynasty. The Lunar Corporation, an almost forgotten society living on the Moon, dispatched its units to various parts of the earth to seek new territories rich in mineral resources.
800 x 600 x 32 It was clear that the LC had figured out what was happening and had no doubt reached the same conclusion as the ED men. Tous droits réservés. Unit construction does not have the range of options present in Total Annihilation, with a few chassis and weapon types available for each class of unit. They sent many of these shady characters to South America to gather as much information as possible on their arch rivals, the UCS. Naturally, once the war ended this situation quickly changed. 1024 x 760 x 16 The power of the shields has been halved. The wars, famines and suffering of the last 20 millennia were to become a distant, fading memory, as scientific advances brought global peace and prosperity. Earth is dying. Fortunately, most of the game can be controlled with the mouse, but some important functions (like building rotation) need to be toggled vie the right hotkey. Plus d'infos sur les cookies. It excites all of us to see sunshine for the, first time in months. Since 2084, they severed contact with the Earth when it became apparent that a full-scale nuclear war was about to occur. The main weapon of the UCS is the Plasma Cannon and the larger Heavy Plasma Cannons. 640 x 480 x 16 Full three-dimensional play sets it apart from other games in the genre. The Khan has no armour at all, so it's defenceless against anti-aircraft attacks. Earth 2150’s premise gives the campaign a genuine sense of urgency that goes beyond routine base building familiar to most C&C clones. Earth is dying. "One of those suffering from radiation sickness has died. The following excerpts are taken from the personal diary of a Russian general, Siergiej Zugij, while he was commander of the Irkutsk III missile base. ", March 15th 2050 est une plateforme de distribution numérique – une boutique en ligne avec une sélection de jeux triés sur le volet, un client optionnel vous offrant une liberté de choix complète et une communauté vivante composée de gamers. Another thing to note is that the LC mostly consists of females.