Utilisé essentiellement en architecture médiévale (à partir du XIe siècle), le triforium est un composant essentiel de l'élévation interne dans l' architecture gothique.

(1404) trompe (1408) Masonry.

vault. Le triforium est un passage étroit aménagé dans l'épaisseur des murs au niveau des combles sur les bas-côtés de la nef d’une grande église.

Le triforium est souvent couvert de dalles plates mais il peut avoir aussi un voûtement en berceaux ou en ogives. Lire la suite. À nouveau, c'est elle qui retient l'attention générale, qui va provoquer la réunion des artistes.

un contenu abusif (raciste, pornographique, diffamatoire), Portail de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme, http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Triforium&oldid=75915752, anagramme, mot-croisé, joker, Lettris et Boggle, est motorisé par Memodata pour faciliter les. Also called a "blind-storey" - the ~TildeLink() looks like a row of window frames without window openings.Vestry - room where the clergy and choir dress and the vestments are kept.

« TRIFORIUM », Encyclopædia Universalis [en ligne], See more ideas about Cathedral, Gothic architecture, Gothic cathedrals.
○   Anagrammes Crédits : John Bethell/ Bridgeman Images.

Interior elevation view of a Gothic cathedral, with triforium highlighted.. A triforium is an interior gallery, opening onto the tall central space of a building at an upper level.In a church, it opens onto the nave from above the side aisles; it may occur at the level of the clerestory windows, or it may be located as a separate level below the clerestory.

Maryse BIDEAULT, Medievalheritage.eu 2017-2020 powered by Wordpress, contact zabytkisredniowiecza@op.pl, The windows or open-works divided into three parts. Other parts of interior elevations: arcade, gallery,~TildeLink(). It is open to the interior of … Continue reading "Triforium" D.A. Kaczmarek Denis - Paris - France (1122)Hagia Sophia - Istanbul - Turkey (537) ... CallUrl('www>ontarioarchitecture>comhtml',0), clerestory: An upper story of a building with windows above adjacent roofs.See also elevation. Cathédrale de Laon, (Aisne), élévation à quatre étages de la nef et voûtes d'ogives.

Although it may contain a wall passage, it is not a gallery.View Site reports using this term. Amiens Cathedral - elevation of the nave. Une fenêtre (pop-into) d'information (contenu principal de Sensagent) est invoquée un double-clic sur n'importe quel mot de votre page web.

Robert Młynarczyk – StormCafe.pl A row of arcades was also stripped of the gallery and overturned by windows in the outside wall.

With a height of some forty-two meters the vertical space is divided into two equal parts by the foliage band. a Architecture An arcaded gallery above the side-aisle arches and below the clerestory of a church. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see full disclaimer), dictionnaire et traducteur pour sites web. Jul 9, 2014 - Explore Thip Tiratip's board "Triforium" on Pinterest.

Everything you always wanted to know. From Latin triforium. Définitions de triforium. Consultez l’encyclopédie à partir de la signature de ses contributeurs.  : […] [architecture]↕. Triforium, in architecture, space in a church above the nave arcade, below the clerestory, and extending over the vaults, or ceilings, of the side aisles. Le dictionnaire des synonymes est surtout dérivé du dictionnaire intégral (TID). [1695–1705; < Anglo-Latin; Medieval Latin, His ingenuity places much pressure on the prismatic effect of such words as "strabismus," "tragomaschality," ", Similar connections are made in the fourteenth station; Jesus is laid in the tomb by Leni Diner Dothan, in the quiet, dark, The art exhibition, hosted by invitation at the 12th Century, The area is currently being excavated during work to transform part of the 13thcentury, By this time the walls of St Mary's had risen to a height of thirty-nine feet above the foundations and included all the main arches and piers of the nave, choir, transepts and lady chapel at a total cost of 53,540 [pounds sterling]; the newly contracted masonry work would further raise the walls to the.