April und 13. expo2025​.or​.jp Das offi­zi­el­le Logo für die Expo 2025 in Osaka. Osaka hosted a World Expo in 1970 and a Horticultural Expo in 1990. Durch die Coro­na­kri­se ist mein Geschäft jedoch zum Erlie­gen gekom­men. Es ist zu hof­fen, dass 2025 die Coro­na-Kri­se nur noch eine Erin­ne­rung sein wird. Die japanische Metropole bekam heute in Paris den Zuschlag und konnte somit ihre Mitbewerber aus Russland und Aserbaidschan hinter sich lassen. This dossier is now being reviewed by the BIE and its Member States in order to prepare for the formal registration of Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai by the General Assembly. : Eine Zukunftsgesellschaft für unser Leben gestalten) ausrichten. Es ist die Welt­aus­stel­lung in Osa­ka, die zwi­schen dem 13. Graphic designer Tamotsu Shimada has unveiled the logo for the Expo 2025 Osaka, which is an irregular ring of red circles that appears to include five cartoon-like eyes. Rund 20 Pro­zent der Leser unter­stüt­zen inzwi­schen die­se Arbeit frei­wil­lig und nach­hal­tig. We already have this email. Es ist die Welt­aus­stel­lung in Osa­ka, die zwi­schen dem 13. Economic growth has also produced income and wealth inequality, giving rise to social unrest and conflicts. Shimada said his dream was to create a similarly distinctive and original design himself, and his surreal-looking logo certainly catches the eye. Japan was elected host country of World Expo 2025 by Member States of the BIE during the 164th General Assembly on 23 November 2018. We will never give your details to anyone else without your consent. Art director Tamotsu Shimada’s winning design was picked from nearly 6,000 submissions.

The Kansai region, with Osaka as its hub, is a region with a daring spirit to challenge, a rich culture that blends the traditional with the modern, and advanced life-sciences technologies as well as other fields. Bereits 1970 fand die Expo in Osaka statt. The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition has unveiled the event’s official logo. Set to take place from April 13 to October 13 2025, Expo 2025 will be held on Osaka’s man-made island Yumeshima. Vote for your favourite projects and studios in the Dezeen ... Dezeen Awards 2020 studio shortlist revealed, Dezeen Awards 2020 design shortlist revealed, Dezeen Awards 2020 interiors shortlist announced. The city has borne many unique ideas and inventions, like instant ramen, karaoke, and conveyor-belt sushi that have had great, long-lasting benefits to the daily lives of many. Mit einem frei­wil­li­gen Abo tra­gen Sie dazu bei, dass die­ses täg­li­che Stück Japan auch nach 11 Jah­ren wei­ter­exis­tiert – unab­hän­gig, kos­ten­los und frei von Goog­­le-Wer­bun­­gen. Osaka-Kansai has a world-class transportation infrastructure. Shimada’s Expo 2025 logo represents the ‘brilliance of life’, and the red spheres are a nod to the logo of Expo '70, which was also held in Osaka. Die­sen Men­schen, die die Zukunft die­ses Blogs sichern, bin ich zu gros­sem Dank ver­pflich­tet. Japan continues to work with the BIE to formalise its World Expo project and submitted a definitive implementation plan, known as a registration dossier, in January 2020. November 2025 . Kalt lässt es nie­man­den. Mit einem frei­wil­li­gen Abo sichern Sie die Zukunft die­ses unab­hän­gi­gen Blogs. Das Internationale Expo-Ausstellungsbüro unterscheidet zwischen einer größeren "World Expo" und einer kleineren "International Expo". Eine Pein­lich­keit kön­nen die Orga­ni­sa­to­ren jedoch aus­schlies­sen. Außer Osaka waren Jekaterinburg und Baku in die Endrunde gekommen. This allows authorities total freedom to design and develop the infrastructure required for an optimal Expo experience.