In 1947, funds from the Marshall Plan – the US program to help rebuild Europe after the Second World War – were allocated to researchers at Naples Zoological Station to study the brain of the octopus.

Unlike most other molluscs, all cephalopods are active predators (with the possible exception of the bigfin squid and vampire squid). The cephalopod class of molluscs, particularly the Coleoidea subclass (cuttlefish, squid, and octopuses), are considered the most intelligent invertebrates and an important …

That fantastic extension of the Cephalopods to cover the Pteropods … But I wander from Hapley and Pawkins. [7] This ability almost certainly evolved primarily for camouflage, but squid use color, patterns, and flashing to communicate with one another in various courtship rituals. The cephalopod class of molluscs, particularly the Coleoidea subclass (cuttlefish, squid, and octopuses), are thought to be the most intelligent invertebrates and an important example of advanced cognitive evolution in animals. Cephalopods have a lateral line mechano-reception system, like that of fish, and chemical sensing. [6] This ability almost certainly evolved primarily for camouflage, but squids use color, patterns, and flashing to communicate with one another in various courtship rituals.

Through the Eye of an Octopus, by Eric Scigliano, Discover Magazine, October 1, 2003. Ebenso müssen Kopffüßer, wie alle anderen Prädatoren, in der Lage sein, Beute aufzuspüren und ihr nachzustellen.

[1] The cephalopod class of mollusks, particularly the Coleoidea subclass (cuttlefish, squid and octopuses), are considered the most intelligent invertebrates and an important example of advanced cognitive evolution in animals. cephalopod intelligence In a sense, cephalopod intelligence is a form of alien intelligence on this planet.

Crabs, the staple food source of most octopus species, present significant challenges with their powerful pincers and their potential to exhaust the cephalopod's respiration system from a prolonged pursuit.

The scope of cephalopod intelligence is controversial, complicated by the challenges of studying these elusive and fundamentally different creatures. Cephalopod intelligence has an aspect of animal intellligence and important comparative aspect in our understanding of intelligence, because it relies on a nervous system fundamentally different from that of vertebrates. This is the first observation of such behaviour in invertebrates.

PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE ( Cephalopods behave in ways that certainly suggest they’re highly intelligent. [8][9], An octopus at the Sea Star Aquarium in Coburg, Germany named Otto was known to juggle his fellow tankmates around, as well as throwing rocks and smashing the aquarium glass. The Humboldt squid hunts schools of fish, showing extraordinary cooperation and communication in its hunting techniques. PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE ( Mather 2003. Cephalopod intelligence has an important comparative aspect in the understanding of intelligence because it relies on a nervous system fundamentally different from that of vertebrates.

Cephalopod intelligence has an important comparative aspect in the understanding of intelligence because it relies on a nervous system fundamentally different from that of vertebrates. Behold the Humboldt squid.

World Heritage Encyclopedia™ is a registered trademark of the World Public Library Association, a non-profit organization. Dieser Artikel wurde wegen inhaltlicher Mängel auf der Qualitätssicherung Biologie zur Löschung vorgeschlagen.

Another example of cephalopod intelligence is the communication that takes place between the more social species of squid. The octopus has repeatedly been shown to exhibit flexibility in the use of tools. Currently I am pursuing PHD, My Interests are Gardening, Learning new things ... Octopus opening a container with a screw cap. Funding for and content contributors is made possible from the U.S. Congress, E-Government Act of 2002.

Cephalopod intelligence has an important comparative aspect in the understanding of intelligence because it relies on a nervous system fundamentally different from that of vertebrates.

[1] The cephalopod class of molluscs, particularly the Coleoidea subclass (cuttlefish, squid, and octopuses), are considered the most intelligent invertebrates and an important example of advanced cognitive evolution in animals. Byrne, R.A., U. Griebel, J.B. Wood & J.A. Bei Kopffüßern kann aber der gleiche Hirnbereich je nach Bedarf für den einen oder den anderen Arm zuständig sein – oder gleich mehrere steuern. However, unlike vertebrates, the motor skills of octopuses do not seem to depend upon mapping their body within their brains, as the ability to organize complex movements is not thought to be linked to particular arms. The Humboldt squid hunts schools of fish, showing extraordinary cooperation and communication in its hunting techniques. Scientific people, however, found the intelligence remarkable enough, even before it became known that the new bo... ...ed efforts against the greater world. The highly sensitive suction cups and prehensile arms of octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish are as effective at holding and manipulating objects as the human hand.

[15][16], Cuttlefish and octopus have the highest brain-to-body mass ratios of all invertebrates.[17]. [10] It is surmised that the octopuses originally used bivalves for the same purpose, before humans made coconut shells widely available on the sea floor. Caribbean Reef Squid can send one message via color patterns to a squid on their right, while they send another message to a squid on their left.

Cephalopod intelligence has similarities and differences from that of vertebrates.

The motor systems are quite different, as cephalopods have jet propulsion by the flexible mantle and lateral fins. They have a unique visual skin display system for camouflage and communication with conspecifics.