September 12 to September 18, 2018 in all other municipalities. (ii) in a location significantly distant from the voting place where he or she is eligible to vote that it is not reasonably possible for him or her to vote at that place. However, a candidate can appoint as many scrutineers as he / she would like. (a) ensure that the following are placed in the ballot box and that the box is secured: (i) all the ballots, packaged as required under subsection 106(2), (iii) a copy of the statement of the vote, and, (iv) all documents used at the election or for the vote on a question, except the voting record and the original of the statement of the vote; and. The voting official responsible for an advance voting station must ensure that the ballot box and the other voting materials for that station remain secure until they are delivered to the senior election official, as required under section 108. ), the value of the good or service must be recorded as a non-monetary contribution. In subsection (1), false pretenses includes representing that the ballot or the manner of voting is not secret. Do I get time off work to vote in a local election? to declare results); or.

When a person registers as a candidate he or she must state the office that they are registering for (ie., Head of Council or councillor). As long as a person qualifies as. This includes both elected candidates and unelected candidates (those who were registered but never nominated, those who withdrew, or those who were not elected). Persons with no fixed address may vote in a municipal election. B, s. 197; S.M. (a) in a space that is being used as a dwelling; (b) in the part of a premises that is used as a licensed premises, as defined in The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act; or. As soon as possible after the ballot boxes and statements of votes are received, the senior election official must do an official tally of the votes.

Voting station reopened for equivalent period. The SEO may update the voters list until the close of nominations on September 18, 2018 (or June 21, 2018 in Victoria Beach, Winnipeg Beach, and Dunnottar). The senior election official may, by using the information contained in the copies of the statement of votes delivered to him or her, tally the votes received, (a) by each candidate in the election; and. S.M. A ballot is not marked in an acceptable manner if. If you file your nomination, and then decide that you do not want to run for office, you may withdraw your name under certain conditions. (a) appointing the senior election official responsible for conducting the first election, who is to hold office until his or her successor is appointed; (b) providing direction for how the voters list for the new authority is to be prepared; (c) establishing the dates of the nomination period and the time, date and place nominations must be filed; (e) making all other arrangements for the election. A person who, directly or indirectly, accepts or agrees to accept a bribe offered in circumstances described in subsection (1) is guilty of an offence. Before assuming his or her duties, an election official must take an oath that he or she. The 2018 general municipal elections were held on Wednesday, October 24, 2018. Candidates entitled to copy of voters list. (« tribunal »), "election" means an election for an office of an elected authority. A senior election official may appoint an assistant senior election official. A template should be available to assist a visually impaired voter in marking their ballot. Jeff Harwood, "Tragic assault a wake-up call" [Letter]. (« règlement »), "remand facility" means a facility in which persons awaiting trial are detained. In a regulation that establishes a new local authority, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may include any provision that is necessary or desirable for the first election in that new authority, including, without limitation, provisions.

Two or more local authorities may appoint the same senior election official. There are strict deadlines for filing Election Finance Statements. Yes, if you are qualified as a resident voter in one municipality, and are qualified as a non-resident property owner in another municipality, you can vote in both municipal elections. An expense limit will be set by your municipality, by by-law. Find out about services currently offered. When a person is given a personal security certificate, the senior election official must determine whether the person's name appears on the voters list. (« propriétaire inscrit d'un bien-fonds »), "regulation" means a regulation made under this Act. One of the duties of the Senior Election Official is to ensure that the ballots are printed and ready in time for Election Day, but also for alternative voting opportunities.

Once the election is over, all registered candidates must file an Election Finance Statement with the municipality's Chief Administrative Officer. Municipal election and votes — eligibility of non-resident, Subject to subsection (2), a person who is not a resident of a municipality is eligible to vote in an election in that municipality if he or she is, (a) a Canadian citizen and is at least 18 years old on election day; and.