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This study tested only the rs4804803 SNP, so p<0.05 was considered significant. The minor allele of both SNPs is associated with somewhat higher risk; see rs11385942for details. For HCV, the presence of the G allele appears to cause a worse clinical outcome than the A allele [PMID 2047083], while for HTLV-1, the G allele is protective [PMID 19264667]. SNPedia is a wiki investigating human genetics. Thus, SARS patients with the AA genotype have a 60% greater chance of a poor prognosis than GG or AG patients [PMID 20359516]. margin: 0 auto; .myheritage_health_ad_container .myheritage_ad_desktop { snpedia.com Competitive Analysis, Marketing Mix and Traffic vs. promethease.com geneticlifehacks.com selfdecode.com xcode.life Welcome to Alexa's Site Overview We share information about the effects of variations in DNA, citing peer-reviewed scientific publications.

Specifically, patients with the AG or GG genotype had significantly worse liver fibrosis scores (p<0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test) and higher alanine aminotransferase (biomarker for hepatocellular injury) levels (p<0.01, Mann-Whitney U-test) than those with the AA genotype. It is used by Promethease to create a personal report linking your DNA variations to the information published about them.

The SNP rs4804803 is a variant (-336A>G) in the promoter region for the CD209 gene that results in altered CD209 transcription. display: none The 19 patients who were homozygous for the minor allele, i.e. } On macrophages, DC-SIGN is responsible for recognizing and binding to mannose-type carbohydrates, which are found in almost all pathogenic organisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.) @media (max-width: 479px) {

.myheritage_ad_mobile ins { [PMID 18604267] Novel association of ABO histo-blood group antigen with soluble ICAM-1: results of a genome-wide association study of 6,578 women. overflow: hidden;

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.myheritage_ad_mobile img, In one study of 131 Irish women who had received HCV-contaminated anti-D-immunoglobulin (resulting in chronic HCV infection) and 79 healthy controls, Ryan et al found no association between rs4804803 genotype and the risk of HCV chronicity [PMID 20470843]. Visit https://www.reddit.com/r/SNPedia, .myheritage_ad_mobile { This page was last edited on 19 July 2017, at 16:01. https://www.SNPedia.com/index.php?title=SNPedia&oldid=1421131. Have questions? High LDH levels are known to be an independent predictor for poor SARS clinical outcome, possibly because of the increased tissue destruction that is the result of immune hyperactivity [PMID 20359516].

[PMID 29130827] Association of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Immune-Related Genes with Development of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in a Mexican Population. [PMID 23751770] CD209 promoter -336 A/G (rs4804803) polymorphism is associated with susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis in Zahedan, southeast Iran. The rs200553089 (T) variant was reported based on exome sequencing of two brothers of African descent, ages 21 and 23, who both required intubation and mechanical ventilation due to COVID-19-related respiratory failure. Visit https://www.reddit.com/r/SNPedia, .myheritage_ad_mobile {

In Caucasians, a SNP present on most MyHeritage and Ancestry chips, rs10490770, is a very good proxy for rs11385942 (and it is also present on older versions of the 23andMe chip). This study seemed to contradict the result from [PMID 15838506] that the G allele was protective against dengue; however, the authors mentioned that the definitions of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever used in the two studies were different; in addition, the latter study was conducted in Taiwan while the former was conducted in Thailand, and the frequency of the G allele differed significantly between the two study populations (3.8% in populations of Chinese descent; 9.5-10.4% in Thailand).
This seems to indicate that the presence of the G allele at rs4804803 provides dominant protection against dengue fever (OR for protection = 4.90, p = 2e-6), but not against dengue hemorrhagic fever.