The distortion in the Mercator projection means that the farther one goes from the equator, the more the size of land masses is exaggerated. Maps appear as stand-alone print works, as images in books or Web sites, and as functional independent Web sites or parts of Web sites.

"Other Indo-European languages" includes Afghani, Albanian, Balochi, Breton, Catalonian, the English Creoles Belize and Guyanese, Gullah, Hawaiian Pidgin, Irish Gaelic, Jamaican Creole, Krio, Kurdish, Latvian, Lettish, Lithuanian, Ossete, Pashto, Pidgin, Rhaeto-Romanic, Romanian, Romansch, Rumanian, Saramacca, Scottic Gaelic, Tadzhik, and Welsh. 1).Kretzschmar, William A., Jr. “GIS for Language and Literature Study.”.In such cases, you can also treat the map as a work contained in another work and create a works-cited-list entry that gives the name of the map as the title of the source and the name of the book as the title of the container. ACS data is reported in one-year, three-year, and five-year estimates. with the greatest diversity of languages." Ranked in descending order of number of college enrollments, they are as follows: Spanish, French, American Sign Language, German, Japanese, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, Latin, Russian, Korean, Ancient Greek, Portuguese, Biblical Hebrew, and Modern Hebrew. The National Center for Education Statistics, for example, allows users to run customized queries from the data in its,Available for fall 2020 and spring 2021 courses.Be the first to read new posts and updates about MLA style.How do I cite raw data from a survey or poll I created? Follow links to census publications, to data about migration and immigration and about language teaching in colleges and universities in the United States, and to information about where specific languages are spoken outside the United States.© 2020 Modern Language Association of America,MLA Virtual Summit for the Future of Doctoral Education,MLA Virtual Summit for the Future of Doctoral Education: Preliminary Program,Registration Rates for the 2021 Convention,Graduate Student Group Registration 2021 MLA Annual Convention,Policies for Forums and Allied Organizations,Procedures for Organizing Convention Meetings,The MLA’s Policies against Discrimination and Harassment,Appropriate Conduct at the MLA Annual Convention,Permission to Use MLA Copyrighted Material,Conferences, Fellowships, and Announcements. The Language Map uses aggregated data from the 2006–10 American Community Survey (ACS) to display the locations and numbers of speakers of twelve languages commonly spoken in the United States. Compare Americans who speak other languages by their ability to speak English. not by zip code, but it's still enough to make a big difference compared to Language Enrollment Database, 1958–2016. The percentage ranges used in the Language Map are determined by natural breaks in the data.The MLA Language Map uses the Mercator projection. (David Crystal,Between 2000 and 2016, the foreign-born population of the United States recorded by the United States Census and the American Community Survey increased by 12.6 million. The MLA Language Map is for students, teachers, and anyone interested in learning about the linguistic and cultural composition of the United States.

Founded in 1883 by teachers and scholars, the Modern Language Association (MLA) promotes the study and teaching of language and literature.

Blog as saying that the project demonstrates how the United States,

"Scandinavian languages" includes Danish, Faroese, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish.The US Census Bureau provides continuously updated estimates at,The United States Post Office provides a "Zip Code Lookup" tool at.Different percentage ranges are used for different languages because languages vary greatly in maximum density. Select a county, state, or institution, or click the map to zoom in on a region.

Back in June 2004, the MLA website rolled out an interactive language map of the United States, displaying the number of speakers per county or zip code for 37 languages, based on 2000 census data. I'm not sure how they're Mercator is a cylindrical map projection—the meridians and parallels are straight, not curved, and they intersect at 90-degree angles. Responses for each home are provided by one person, who reports on each individual household member. Your browser is currently not supported. The Migration Policy Institute provides an interactive map showing state-by-state demographic, education, workforce, and income data for immigrant and migrant populations in the United States in 1990, 2000, and 2016 (.The data used for the maps on this Web site are drawn from the 2006–2010 American Community Survey (ACS), Aggregate Data, 5-Year Estimates, sometimes referred to as summarized or Summary File data. The MLA Language Map Data Center sometimes collapses these four categories into two, suggesting an upper and a lower range of English ability. The 2011 MLA Annual Convention will be held in Los Angeles, January 6–9. The MLA Language Map is for students, teachers, and anyone interested in learning about the linguistic and cultural composition of the United States.