Maybe he is seen as the person who is working on his agendas quietly, but deep inside there is a great warrior, a paramount friend, but an outstanding leader. This Moon is humorous but harbors a distinct dislike for restriction in any form, being unable to tolerate possessiveness.

It does not mean …

Summary. They usually end up with partners who have weaker characters than them and don’t have a problem with being a follower.

extremism is the most significant trait of the Aquarius-Scorpio.

You love your discoveries and are so proud that you want to announce them to the world.

People with Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon are often magnetically attractive to their potential partners. You think an active and wide-ranging social life is necessary to your health and because it is an outlet for your sometimes crazy opinions. His friends adore his strength in the sense that he is an extraordinary psychologist, very intuitive, who does not understand anything lightly. This aspect directs to a person who is primarily turned to the dark depths of life, he is the one that likes to analyse too much, and this leads him into obsessions.

You often seem to be absorbed in another sphere of existence and above being actively involved in mundane activities surrounding you. As with all those with a Moon in Scorpio, you are always evolving and have the facility to come back from defeat.

Scorpio and Aquarius are both fixed signs giving an inclination towards inflexibility.

Scorpio Sun / Aquarius Moon. The fact is that any law or regulations trickle him and for the balance he needs to have great physical and spiritual freedom – he has a great need for space and movement. When their sun and moon are in bad aspects, especially with these planets, these people might be prone to aggressive behavior, conflicting situations, accidents, danger, and other kinds of calamities, as well as attracting people who might bring such circumstances into their lives. Intolerance and self-righteousness are especially a characteristic of Scorpio-Aquarius. This can be seen in his tendency to destruct his relationships when he encounters unresolved conflicts. Anyone or anything that tries to stand between them and their freedom will be removed from their wives.

Your Scorpio Moon is sharp and a bit self-centered but an Aquarius Sun gives you powerful compassion and a need to serve society. They are interested in all kinds of secretive matters and unusual things. Never showing this outwardly, you can always be polite and civil, while feeling nothing but scorn and disgust.

But they will never show their disapproval openly. There is a depth to your nature and your emotions that few can understand. You have a non-rational comprehension and cognizance of people, which assists you in your materialistic philosophy. Your ideal is universal fraternity.

The Scorpio sun Aquarius moon person is steadfast in their beliefs and can fight tenaciously for any ideal they believe in deeply. wid: "633564", He directs energy to the activities of the spirit, his knowledge of psychology and people, in general, and opens the doors of limited or general popularity.

He is even seen as an eccentric who is ready to do everything to prove that he is different from others – this can sometimes be so over the top, unnecessary and even funny. So you could imagine who confusing this may be for his lovers; nevertheless, people often fall in love with his high intellectual abilities, ability to concentrate and penetrate into problems. They might be prone to imposing their will on their partners and are a bit difficult to make compromises. + qs; It’s also good for you to learn not to take yourself so seriously, learn to laugh at yourself, and refrain for being to rigid. These are things that will help you to stop being delusional and walking on the wrong path in your life.

In some cases, they might even have a perverted taste and be prone to activities which are not considered normal and approved by the general public. Pride is strongly marked in your nature, and you set great store by intellectual and artistic accomplishment. Your Scorpio Moon is sharp and a bit self-centered but an Aquarius Sun gives you powerful compassion and a need to serve society.

They cannot have a contact with a person they cannot trust and they usually end such relationships. The sun is our conscious nature and the way we tend to present ourselves to the outer world, while the moon is our subconscious nature and it represents our inner being.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'dreamastromeanings_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',145,'0','0'])); Our moon side of personality is a side we try to hide from others or we share only parts of it with people we consider close. Your social adroitness works to your advantage, particularly in business.

Such behaviour is a strong reason for them to end the relationship with someone.
