He walks about in the midst of the church (2:1) and as the one whose penetrating eyes are like a flame of fire (1:14), He knows every detail and situation of His church, individually and corporately. This will be the city that was destroyed, and we’ll go back – and you go back a little while and you look for that city that was destroyed, and they tell you it was built on the ruins of another city. It is the greek word for myrrh. Interesting. They are not. – devour. This church was the church that was headed by the martyr Polycarp, a disciple of … Is your faith real? I. v. 9b-10a  SMYRNA WAS A CRUSHED CHURCH, (Ill. In a letter addressed by the church at Smyrna to the churches in the Christian world, it is related that Jews joined with heathen in clamoring that Polycarp should be cast to the lions or burned alive, and the Jews were foremost in bringing logs for the pile and in the endeavor to prevent the remains of the martyr from being delivered to his Christian friends for burial. As they passed the ornate The only thing we know we know from this letter and nothing more. 2:18; It is a pure church. All rights reserved. (Ill. This is a purged church. The word smurna is interesting. "Smyrna-the Suffering Church" -Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts.

Rev 2 8 "To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

I am not a prophet They Had A Positive Testimony It has been purged of error. Roman emperors between the years of 100 AD and 312 AD.
And so they would refuse to sprinkle incense before the bust of the emperor in the Dea Roma temple, and they would not take the certificate. able to help His people when they face the fires of persecution and hatred, Heb. It was a free city. Why did the people of Smyrna hate the believers

When some things begin, yes when all things begin, He is already there. POSITIVE REMARKS FOR THE SMYRNA CHURCH (2:9-10), A. Five of the seven churches received words of They not only rejected Christ and not only persecuted Him on the cross, but they went after Christians.

It should be ours as well! But, I want you to know that, at the end of Why are you waiting? So much so that some historians tell us in Smyrna in particular there were mass executions of Christians who refused to bow their knee to Caesar. starving!

They may endure Hell on earth for a while, These letters were basically given by the Lord Jesus Christ through the pen of the Apostle John on the isle of Patmos about 96 A.D., long after most of the rest of the New Testament was written. They were the original Christian therapists and they didn’t know anything. Look! Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. You can’t really find the beginning. joined hands with the idolaters in that city to defeat and destroy the When They’re not willing to make the sacrifice. Then comes the final counsel – the final counsel. And we wondered how it was with the church. They used all the attacked, He knows all about it because it touches Him too, Heb. And we want to note also that it’s inevitable that there will be some suffering for us. The Jews in Smyrna The title “first and the last” is the title used for the God of Israel in Isa 41:4; 44:6; 48:12. B. This is the message from the one who is the First and the Last, who was dead but is now alive: 9 “I know about your suffering and your poverty—but you are rich! There They are in a synagogue. A. may be trials and there may be tribulations. Register.

After clicking 'Register', you will receive an email with a link to verify your account and to complete your registration. Don’t you ever feel sorry for the persecuted church. families. they do it to me!”  He is telling to the task for the glory of God! We’ll try another one.” But they didn’t. said, “You can't do that either. God. This article is also available and sold as a booklet. He is always there Sermon Series That’s the one to worry about. executions took place, they tried again saying, “Swear by the fortune of Caesar; if I know He will be with me!

John, died a horrible death for their testimony.

Sunday 11am. This construction in the Greek text is the strongest way to negate something because the “negative is strengthened when οὐ and μή are used together (Robertson, “Many of those whose bodies lie dead and buried will rise up, some to everlasting life and, “and they will rise again. The word "Smyrna" means myrrh or bitterness and presents a picture . Maybe He meant ten days. Every human reason to say, “Who needs this religion? He said, I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty. this with you. fragrance of love and faithful to Jesus into the atmosphere of Smyrna. There was no tolerance of the gospel.
Who and how the church started in Smyrna is a mystery. and that their faith was real by the way they carried themselves in that And it becomes the picture of suffering in this little church. The Lord Jesus Christ, as you know, was God incarnate, entering into time, space, and history for the very purpose of dying. Thirdly, the city. So the crowds came flocking with their sticks from the workshops, from the baths. As you well know, recently we have all been exposed to the church that for many, many years was hidden in eastern Europe. And they had the ear of the authorities and they sought to blot out the infant church.

Just another one of Smyrna’s aromatic attractions. This brief verse emphasis two aspects of Christ’s deity: eternality and resurrection. It refers to the stone wheels that were used to “Do not fear what you are about to suffer.” Don’t be afraid. A.  In AD 26 Smyrna beat out ten other cities for the honor of building a temple to honor the emperor Tiberias (Osborne, “Write to the angel of the church in Smyrna: This is the message from the one who is the first and the last, who was dead but now lives.” (Rev 2:8).

It was also a holy anointing oil used in tabernacle worship in the Old Testament (Exod 30:23). The When we are Question: "What was Jesus’ message to the church in Smyrna in Revelation?" Everyone who will live a holy, separated,