In this proposed program, you said you would recruit and train 10 mentors within the first six months. In the financial information section, provide an overview of the grant funds received to date, line-item expenses that have been charged to the grant, and the grant funds remaining.

But if you use the common sections I’ve outlined above, you’ll keep your funders happy and well-informed.Melissa Reams is the Founder & Principal Consultant at,12 grant tasks to do during the COVID-19 crisis,7 ways to reduce the stress of writing grants,Details on the factors that presented a challenge,How these factors affected your project plans,The lessons you learned from these experiences,How you will (or did) incorporate these lessons to improve current and future efforts,Copies of or hyperlinks to newspaper articles,Handwritten thank you letters from participants,Materials, such as books or art, that your participants created. You offer to come in, investigate, interview, make recommendations—and present it all in the form of a report. Project Budget : INR 3,20, 000 /-Product Price: INR 2222 /- 1111 /- … Use the challenges & lessons learned section to share:This can be one of the hardest sections of a grant report to write. Whenever you attend a company sponsored seminar or a workshop, the purpose of a follow-up evaluation is to not only advise your employers whether it was a good value for the time and money that was spent, but also to help the presenters understand what was a hit, what was a miss and how future seminars can be modified to best meet the career needs of their target demographic.Jot down your impressions of the seminar and the presenter as soon after the event as possible and while everything is still fresh in your mind.

In this section, you’ll highlight what your organization proposed to do with the grant money and the activities you’ve implemented so far.For example, let’s say you’re writing a six-month report for a grant in which you proposed to develop a youth mentorship program.

Explain in a brief paragraph the presenter's approach to the subject through supplemental tools and materials, such as lectures, multimedia presentations, workbooks, skits and case studies.Create a subheading with the title "Course Content" in caps and address the quality, thoroughness and timeliness of the material you were given. This section will vary greatly, depending on how far along you are in the grant period, as well as the type of project you’re implementing. For instance, perhaps the seminar presenter spent too much in the session spinning personal anecdotes that, while wickedly entertaining and funny, cut into the amount of time left over for learning research techniques or a new software program's capabilities for making your job easier. If you're using corporate letterhead, drop down at least an inch below the company name and address to start your entries at the left margin. Maybe you would like to have had ongoing measurement tools throughout the seminar, such as pop quizzes to gauge your progress and grasp of the material.Create a list of things you might have done differently if you were in charge of the planning. For low numeric scores or grades of poor and understanding, be sure to provide an explanation or examples. But keep in mind that none of your funders expect your projects to run smoothly all the time. For example, let’s say you’re writing a six-month report for a grant in which you proposed to develop a youth mentorship program. In other words, don't complain about it ad nauseum just because it was rainy that day or you couldn't find a parking place. Divide the outline by subsections.

Her credits include many books, plays, optioned features, articles and interviews. Determine the presentation style and format for each audience. To begin planning a proposal, remember the basic definition: a proposal is an offer or bid to complete a project for someone.

This day provides an opportunity for individuals to highlight the importance of the consumer movement and the need to make every consumer more aware of their rights and responsibilities.The organization also educates the consumer by arranging on awareness generation on various occasions. Add in some photos on this page and your funder will be able to immediately see the difference their grant has made.The grant activities section is the heart of your grant report.