!my stories will load but when i click to watch them it kicks me off.My stories and snapchats have been trying to post for hours.

fuck is that,Snapchat won’t let me post anything on my story,Snapchat keeps randomly signing me out and I can’t few certain friends stories but Im not blocked,Friend sent a video – says tap to load. Can they fix that?!? It’s been 2 days. What is going on ? Please fix this issue.I posted a video on snapchat. I just posted about how all my longer Snapchats are loading out of order. I was able to post earlier today and then was pushed out the app.

Is this to do with the new update or is it an issue ?When I go to watch people’s stories with videos, none of the videos are playing, there just frozen.

Iv tried deleting and re-adding friends, clearing convos, re-downloading the app, logging back in, and restarting my phone :/ iMessages and internet are working fine. And ppl told me they’ve seen it!

I post on my private every day and all of the sudden I can’t at all,i tried turning my phone all the way off, logging in on my old phone, and deleting and redownloading the app and its still not working,I’m having the same problem!!

idk why it’s not working. I’ve deleted apps and photos to try to get more space and nothing helps. I can’t use filters and I’m super pissed!The worst part is that it sounds like Nsapchat doesn’t even care! Ones that people send or that are on my own or other Snapchat stories are just frozen screenshots.Ordinarily there would be quite a few views on my stories, but lately there have been none at all. If it’s all going to change can it atleast work?Same here, so damn annoying. And it’s only the friends I have snap streaks with, I can’t view ANYONE else’s story and it’s getting very tedious. I couldn’t really care less about losing my streaks, just a number, and I’d prefer the app to remain even with technical issues at time, than to have no app at all. The most common problems involve sending photos, videos, and text messages.Recently, users have wondered why their stories won’t post on Snapchat, why friends are not receiving snaps, and also loading or skipping errors are reported most days. Snap Stars can turn Story Replies into stickers and add them to their Stories to power things like Q&A Sessions.As Lara shared last week, we had been planning on discussing the deaths of George, Ahmaud, and Breonna tomorrow morning at Snap in Focus, but as I grappled with the long legacy of racial violence and injustice in America, it felt wrong to wait. it does the refreshing icon and then says tap to view again…. Says could not refresh feed,i’ve restarted my phone and deleted and reinstalled the app but it still won’t let me send snaps i can send chats but it won’t let me send snaps it says failed to send try again it’s really annoying as i have streaks,I can’t upload videos longer than 10 seconds.I cannot post a video as of now but I was able to earlier so thats very weird.I’ve reseted my phone more than a multiple of times each and everyday I also have deleted Snapchat and have installed Snapchat a couple of times to fix the issues that I have but they still persist. I am sick and tired of having to come here and post about the problems I’m having every month.It says I haven’t opened chats but I have and it won’t post what I want to upload on my story.Whenever i go into snapchat, i get an “error could not refresh” message several times. So then I don’t know when to check for new snaps Bc I don’t know if it’s old or new,For weeks now, when I post something to my story, it says that the snap was sent but none of my friends receive it,Some if not most of my memories won’t load. ITS GETTING ME FUCKIN TIGHTTT❗❗,Wtf I delete the app and logged out a trillion times what’s going on,Trust me. it will let me text people and send messages, but when it comes to uploading, it cant do it.Won’t let me post anything on my story is it just my Snapchat or everyone’s?Won’t let me post anything it will let me send messages but takes forever to receive and load what is wrong with my Snapchat?Won’t let me post and got the failed to post message but it won’t even let me retry, only options are to save the story or delete it…,Glad I’m not the only one :’( @TtCaliHugs.First I wasn’t able to refresh anything or receive anything. ?oh thank god I thought I was the only one I kept re-downloading the damn app so that I could see what I’ve gotten. Any other suggestions?My filters aren’t loading and I just updated the app. We’re now significantly improving that experience, by immediately showing Snapchatters how they can get connected with emergency services, message a trained counselor through Crisis Text Line, or talk live with someone at the National Suicide Prevention Hotline.Snapchatters can identify 90% of all known plants and trees thanks to,The Snapchat camera now recognizes almost 400 breeds powered by,Later this year, Nutrition Scanner will give a rating on the quality of ingredients in many packaged foods when you Scan an item’s label thanks to. My camera will freeze when I try to take a picture. this has happened to me 3 times this month and I have tried everything,My snapchat is showing ZERO VIEWS I know this is not right.So um, I’m not sure if this is a Snapchat problem or a phone problem but I think it’s just a Snapchat problem tbh. we received our benefits in march so what is going on with zero balance on snap card today?Someone? Also when I save snaps they don’t save to my normal camera roll.I’ve added people on my snapchat but when I refresh my friends list they disappear and when I added them again the same thing happens again.I received a video and cannot open it, I clicked tap to load, then tap to view…. We believe that the greatest long-term limitation on the growth of Snap is the success of our broader society, and we will invest accordingly.Today, we’re introducing new products powered by some of the best parts of Snapchat:If you’re a developer and interested in trying Snap Kit, you can learn more about it.We can’t wait to see what you will create!We have always been inspired by the power that real friendships have in supporting health and happiness.

My story showing zero or low views when I know that’s not the case. !I have the same problem please fix this. but if I click it it says it has already posted.