(3) Any party wishing to enforce a judgment to which the Judgments Regulation does not apply must file evidence of the service on the judgment debtor of—. (a) “Article 5 certificate” means a certificate issued under Article 5 of the Protection Measures Regulation;(b) “Article 8 notice” means the notification required by Article 8 of the Protection Measures Regulation;(c) “Article 11 notice” means the notification required by Article 11 of the Protection Measures Regulation;(d) “Article 14 certificate” means a certificate issued under Article 14 of the Protection Measures Regulation;(e) “incoming protection measure” means a protection measure that has been ordered in a Member State of the European Union other than the United Kingdom or Denmark;(f) “outgoing protection measure” means any protection measure included in any of—,(i) an injunction issued for the purpose mentioned in section 3(3)(a) of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. (1) The application must be supported by written evidence exhibiting copies of –. (2) The application may be made without notice. (2) Where the protected person is responsible for serving the order on the person causing the risk, any application for an Article 5 certificate must be accompanied by a certificate of service. (a) the name of the judgment creditor and his address for service within the jurisdiction;(b) the name of the judgment debtor and his address or place of business, if known;(c) the grounds on which the judgment creditor is entitled to enforce the judgment;(d) in the case of a money judgment, the amount in respect of which it remains unsatisfied; and,(e) where interest is recoverable on the judgment under the law of the State of origin –,(i) the amount of interest which has accrued up to the date of the application, or. (4) The appellant's notice must be served –,(a) where the appeal is against the granting of registration, within –,(ii) where service is to be effected on a party not domiciled within the jurisdiction, two months. (b) any court in which enforcement proceedings are pending in England and Wales (‘the relevant courts’). (2) An application under article 6 of the European Communities (Enforcement of Community Judgments) Order 1972. (1) An order granting permission to register a judgment (‘a registration order’) must be drawn up by the judgment creditor and served on the judgment debtor –. Many Caribbean countries/former British dominions including Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands; and several African nations including Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. (a) before the end of the period specified in accordance with rule 74.23(1); or. (3) An application under paragraph (1) must be accompanied,(a) by a certified copy of the judgment issued under Schedule 7 to the 1982 Act; and. (2) An appeal against a decision granting or refusing an application for refusal of recognition or enforcement of a judgment under the Judgments Regulation must be made in accordance with Part 52, subject to the following provisions of this rule. (1) Section I of this Part applies to the enforcement in England and Wales of judgments of foreign courts. (i) article 51 of Schedule 1 to the 1982 Act;(ii) article 58 of the Lugano Convention; and. (a) where the outgoing protection measure has not yet been ordered or accepted—,(i) to the County Court if the proceedings relating to the outgoing protection measure are before the County Court; or,(b) where the outgoing protection measure has been ordered or accepted—,(i) to the County Court if that court made the order or accepted the undertaking as the case may be; or. (b) where there is an application under rule 74.7 or an appeal under rule 74.3, until the application or appeal has been determined. (2)  If the person causing the risk resides in a Member State of the European Union other than the United Kingdom or in a country outside the European Union, Article 8 notice must be given by sending it by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or confirmation of delivery or equivalent to the last known place of residence of that person. (1) This rule applies to applications to the High Court under paragraph 5 of Schedule 7 to the 1982 Act for the registration for enforcement of the non-money provisions of a judgment –. to facilitate the reciprocal enforcement of judgments and awards in the United Kingdom and other parts of His Majesty’s Dominions or Territories under His Majesty’s protection . (a) section 9 of the 1920 Act, in respect of judgments to which Part II of that Act applies;(b) section 2 of the 1933 Act, in respect of judgments to which Part I of that Act applies;(c) sections 4 and 4B of the 1982 Act; and.for the registration of foreign judgments for enforcement in England and Wales. (1) A copy of the order granting permission to register a Community judgment (‘the registration order’) must be served on every person against whom the judgment was given.