MEKONG RIVER. It passes the impressive Khone Falls in southern Laos, before widening out into the expansive Mekong Delta. Interesting Facts About Mekong River You Might Not Know. What do you think when hearing the name of Mekong river? It flows through the countries of China, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and finally Vietnam. The anti-communist forces escaped to northern Thailand across the Mekong river. This has been highly controversial due to its possible effect on the river’s ecosystems.The Irrawaddy Dolphin, an endangered species, can be found in the Mekong River, and it is also home to the giant river carp (often over a metre long), the Mekong Freshwater Stingray, the smooth-coated otter and the Siamese Crocodile.Construction of the Myanmar-Laos Friendship Bridge began in 2013 and there are several Thai-Lao Freindship Bridges. The trip takes one and half hour to finish. Content of this web page is sourced from wikipedia ( Still other names for the Mekong include River of Stone, Big Water and Dragon Running River.The Mekong is a notoriously powerful river with significant variation in terms of its flow and volume according to the time of the year. In China, it’s referred to as the Lancang Jiang, meaning “turbulent river”, whilst in Thailand and Laos it’s called Mae Kong or Mae Nam Kong, both meaning “mother water”. While we aim to provide accurate and up-to-date information, Rainforest Cruises makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information in our Guides or found by following any link on this site. Here are 11 interesting facts about The Mekong River: The Mekong River joins numerous countries together and is the twelfth longest river in the world. by Hello Vietnam Travel Aug 29, 2019 As one of the world’s greatest waterways, the mighty Mekong River flows through the heart of Southeast Asia, passing 6 countries in total and offering an outstanding array of landscapes, wildlife, and culture of the regions it flows through. The Mekong River … China, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam . Between 70-80% of people in these two countries depend on fish from the river as their main source of protein. Mekong Tourism. Its source is the Lasagongma Spring in Mount Guozongmucha in the Tibetan Plateau, and its mouth is the Mekong Delta (South China Sea). Mekong River Facts. Each one reflects particular characteristics of the Mekong, as well as being testament to the great diversity of cultures and ethnic groups the river flows through. The delta region is particularly rich in life and home to iconic species such as the Siamese crocodile, the Sarus crane, Giant Catfish, Mekong Stingray and Giant Ibis.

These bridges span the Mekong River in places where the river acts as an international border.In 1540, Antonio de Faria, a Portuguese man, was the first person from Europe to see the Mekong River. In Vietnam, however, the river is referred to as Cuu Long or nine dragons. The Mekong River's watershed is approximately 307,000 square miles. Mostly, they inhibit the delta region like the Sarus crane, Mekong Stingray, Siamese crocodile and Giant Catfish.The most favourite activity among tourists is taking a slow boat from Laos to Thailand and vice versa or simply reaching Chiang Khong on the Thai-Laos border from Chiang Rai. Mekong River Facts . They make the use of the water flow for various purposes like fishing, agriculture, irrigation, cooking and also transportation.

The Mekong River is located in Southeast Asia, flowing 2,703 miles from the Tibetan Plateau to the Mekong Delta into the South China Sea. The Mekong River Basin is the richest river basin by area for fish biodiversity on the planet. There are no major cities or industrial zones along its banks, whilst damns and bridges are still relatively few and far-between.