This new hospital was officially launched in November 2011. “We are confident they will bring renewed energy in the public health sector.”,Veteran health care monitor Jack Bloom, a member of the provincial legislature for the DA, said: “They will have a tough job in fixing hospitals that have been without top leadership for years in some cases.”.Dr Naing Soe “is a particularly good choice” for the troubled Mamelodi Hospital, said Bloom.Soe, 56, has been CEO for six years at the Tshwane District Hospital and previously worked as clinical manager at Mamelodi Hospital. Uncover why Bertha Gxowa Hospital is the best company for you. Why has this been allowed to continue?”.In addition, he said, positions had not been filled at the Thelle Mogoerane and George Mukhari hospitals, where the CEOs have been suspended for more than a year.“Premier David Makhura promised that all hospitals would have full-time CEOs in the first 100 days, but there are at least seven out of the 32 hospitals where this has not been achieved.Would you like to comment on this article or view other readers' comments? We’ve identified target disciplines that fall in line with the Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs) for health, for example maternal and child health. It’s really about changing mind-sets and I encourage my team to take the lead and find ways to do things differently where traditional methods don’t provide the required results.The era of digitalisation is upon us and there’s talk of moving from paper-based systems to electronic records. He has been acting CEO at Bertha Gxowa Hospital since April 2018. We’ve since handed the project back to the pharmacy team who have taken ownership of the project and they provide weekly progress report. She previously worked for Metropolitan Life before taking up a position as a clinical manager for the Far East Rand Hospital.She said the past year has been a journey for her, not only in terms of personal development, but how the hospital has changed the way it operates.“I am happy to say that we have reduced the number of complaints directed at the hospital by dealing with complaints as and when they happen. I’ve learnt a lot about processes and management principles, which has played a role in effecting change at the hospital, and I’m dedicated to bringing efficiency to the public sector because of what I learned in the private sector.My experience as a doctor gave me an in-depth understanding into some of the issues my staff face on a daily basis. A qualified medical doctor, Nokwethemba grew frustrated with the lack of resources in the public sector. Shortly after that, I joined Sakhiwo Health Solutions, a Health Planning and Infrastructure company as their Marketing and Stakeholder Manager.Before joining the Bertha Gxowa Hospital, I worked for Metropolitan Life as a Medical Advisor and left to take the position of Clinical Manager at the Far East Rand Hospital. CEO of Bertha Gxowa Hospital in Germiston, Johannesburg, Dr Nokwethemba Mtshali-Hadebe, is the youngest hospital CEO in SA, leading a team of 767 staff members.In this interview Dr Hadebe talks about turning the hospital into a Centre of Excellence through effective leadership and a … It has the following unique features: She came, she saw, and left the hospital in a critical condition. When the opportunity came for me to work in the public sector, I took it without looking back.I gained a lot of experience working in the private sector but my passion lies in the public sector and that’s where I feel that I can make the biggest impact. If patients are turning to Google to learn more about their health, then maybe we need to put information on Google to make sure that when patients do a Google search they get the right information and that information is coming from us and not a random site on Google.Technology is already a big part of our lives, so we need to harness it from a health point of view to improve patient care.Dr Nokwethemba Mtshali-Hadebe: On Shifting Culture for Better Health Outcomes. As a manager, you want to see projects progressing without you being the only driving force.People often think innovation means coming up with grand ideas but innovation means changing the way that we are working today or what can we do better with the resources that we have. If you understand the impact and the urgency, you can make a contingency plan beforehand.It was a positive experience because the team appreciated the experience and I have confidence that it doesn’t matter who from my team I leave in charge, the hospital will continue to function and not collapse.The hospital has had a few challenges, some related to clinical processes and some related to staff attitudes. I did that in order for the management team to understand how each department contributes to the functioning of the hospital, especially those which aren’t patient-facing.