Knowing this backstory, it is now nearly impossible to hear “Shape of You” and not immediately think about how much sexier, evocative, and just damn cooler it could have been with someone like that at the wheel. The result is exactly the sum of its parts, a soggy cheese sandwich, a Fyre Fest catering of male pop, risible not because it isn’t edible but because it is so endlessly disappointing. Who else could top a mumble rap list than its biggest star Future. But on his hit “Goosebumps,” both he and Kendrick Lamar channel their inner Lil Wayne, for a song that’s easily one of the best tracks of 2017 thus far. : '10 Crack Commandments', Ken Weingart/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images, 9 Questions You Should Never Ask a Rapper, The 10 Best Rap Battles in Hip-Hop History. And on the other, you've got the former Queen of Rap shamelessly cozying up (literally) to this Technicolor turd because, as her bratty behavior this summer made clear, all she cares about is clinging onto her crown, heiresses be damned. You feel me? 1 hit somehow.

He thinks Republicans are better than Trump and that “there’s no place like home.” He thinks this song is “Empire State of Mind” with a dose of truth bombs, a cloying enough formula, but it’s “The Star Spangled Banner” with curse words and suntan jokes. And everyone saying that his song is actually "lit" for "fire", has at LEAST one fucking guy telling him, how he's a degenerate and how this generation is doomed for liking music like this. Total metal-head here, you kind of have a point in some regards. “What About Us,” her lead single from her new album Beautiful Trauma, seemed engineered from the ground up to be played from the radio to a sad sack of shit (me) slumped in the backseat of a taxi. There is also conflation between mumble/SoundCloud rap and other new generation-led evolutions or niches such as trap and cloud rap. — ARIELLE GORDON.

Now get your 808 and distort the shit out of it AND PUT A LIL REVERB ON IT LOL" and in the end he created an actually decent sounding track. "[38], Rap pioneer Grandmaster Caz expressed acceptance of the style, stating "It's all good [...] they're a different generation, they do a different thing, they have a different agenda and their influences come from different places. feat. On “Pick Up the Phone,” Travis Scott and Young Thug take turns getting in the zone over a hypnotic beat that became all the rage on the hip-hop blogs.

This is what you hope for when two young titans of hip-hop join forces. Late to the party as i’m getting my head around people’s thoughts to this mumble rap thing. There was this one dude, who OBVIOUSLY SARCASTICALLY told people in a YouTube video how to create mumble rap. Obviously, Canibus slept through third grade when they went over units of measurement.
Alas, nearing 30 years old, my opinion on this doesn’t really matter, though I can rest easy knowing that some portion of the American teens who see themselves reflected in this nothingness will, like the rest of us, one day feel foolish about much the stuff they once thought was good.

I am not even close to being called a metalhead, but I do know one thing : metal was NEVER lyrics-heavy. Marshall is so dead set on proving to the world he is a masterful lyrical technician, on "saving hip-hop," that he has become a parody of himself. — ROB ARCAND, 2017 was the year that Khalid, a previously unknown singer from El Paso, was anointed the voice of a generation, and it’s not like he wasn’t asking for it. Future knows how to make an impact. The past year sucked for more important reasons than oblivious white rappers, tedious dance bros, and jingoistic country stars.