During the breeding season, it is common for females to have several mates.

1992. Along the coast of Depoe Bay, Oregon they mostly feed on mysid shrimp found at the edge of kelp beds. they’ve been seed feeding in Boundary Bay near Delta, along the western side of Vancouver Island, and the northern end of Vancouver Island.Grey whales are a baleen whale meaning they having baleen in their mouth instead of teeth. Gray whales are like cattle on an open range, they will eat one area down and then move on to find more food. Here they gorge themselves on massive quantities of food! When feeding they make sharp turns in the shallow water and may raise their pectoral fins and/or tail flukes out of the water, giving the impression that the whale is struggling or stranded; however, this is normal feeding behaviour. Very little, during the months of migrating and socializing in the lagoons of Baja California, gray whales survive almost on their fat reserves built up in the summer feeding grounds. However, this population size could not be sustained and over ⅓ of the population died from 1998 to 2002. Killer whales do not use their teeth to chew, they swallow small prey whole.

They hunt seabed creatures by rolling over on one side then swimming slowly along sucking up sediment and the small creatures that live in it. The Grey Whale Eschrichtius robustus. Both male and female whales reach puberty between the ages of 6 and 12 with an average of eight to nine years. Grey whales were,In Canada eastern grey whales are listed as “special concern”. A feeding grey whale turns so that one side of its mouth faces the ocean bottom. This single ovulation event is believed to coincide with the species’ annual migration patterns, when births can occur in warmer waters.

1991. However, they need to break the bodies of large animals to eat them. Gray whales were the attraction on the world's first ever whale watching trips in the 1950s and today still attract thousands of visitors as they migrate up the west coast of North America each spring. Following the cessation of whaling, the population increased significantly reaching, what is believed, pre-exploitation levels of about 27,000 animals in 1998. Scientists believe an adult grey whale consumes an average of about 1,100 kg of food per day. They gain 16 to 30 percent of their body weight during this time. Most fem… Gray whales are bottom feeders, consuming a wide range of benthic and epibenthic invertebrates. Baleen is made up of keratin-based, comb-like plates that filter the water for food. Since the whales often travel close to the shoreline, many park visitors are able to spot the whales from the beach!A small population of a few hundred animals known as “summer resident” grey whales or the “Pacific Coast Feeding Aggregation” remains in the inshore waters of Washington and British Columbia (B.C.) They then sieve out the water and silt …

Gray whales eat primarily shrimp-like creatures called amphipods. Orlando: Academic Press.Wild Whales - The B.C. Adult males, newly-pregnant females and juveniles leave first, followed by females and their calves. Breeding behavior is complex and often involves three or more animals. Gray whales are opportunistic feeders, which means they will eat food from a wide range of sources. Some grey whales start feeding when they reach the waters along Vancouver Island, although in some years, some start feeding as far south as central California.During the summer months, most grey whales feed in the Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, western Beaufort Sea, and the Arctic Ocean. Gray whales are known as baleen whales because they don't have teeth, but a filter-like material replaces teeth. But the really important difference comes down to how and what they eat. Eastern grey whales have one of the longest seasonal migrations of any mammal, summering in northern temperate waters to feed and migrating south in the winter to warmer, shallow lagoons for calving.Eastern grey whales spend winters, from January to March, in the warm waters of Baja California, Mexico, where pregnant females give birth.

Buy your tickets and view our opening hours here.Walk, bike & more. These enormous animals eat large quantities of tiny prey. Sometimes grey whales use other feeding techniques such as surface skimming for crab larvae.Grey whales are not highly social and only come together during the breeding season and parts of their migration. Custer, WA: Orca Publishing.Gordon, David G., and Alan Baldridge.

and Washington. Gray whales may also be vulnerable to vessel strikes in the inland waters of Washington and in feeding areas along the Pacific coast. The amphipods are caught in the baleen, which acts like a filter.Grey whales are the only baleen whale that regularly feeds on bottom-dwelling animals. These animals can be seen in Washington off the Oregon Coast and Puget Sound around Whidbey Island; and in B.C. during the summer instead of continuing the migration to Alaska. Grey whales also eat tubeworms, mysids (another shrimp-like animal), small fishes, ghost shrimps, herring eggs, and crab larvae (especially larvae of porcelain crabs), which are a seasonally important food source for them in B.C.Grey whales feed in inshore, shallow waters. Grey Whales: Wandering Giants. If you love whales like we do, then you probably already know about the friendly gray whales. The main component of their diet is small, shrimp-like animals called amphipods that live on muddy ocean floors. They use suction to draw food into their mouths. Gray whales are vulnerable to vessel strikes because they feed and migrate along the U.S. west coast, which has some of the world’s heaviest vessel traffic associated with some of the largest ports in the country.