Due to COVID-19, new workplace rules were introduced beginning on March 17, 2020. The COVID-19 virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus, has been drawing a global response from governments across the world and the Alberta government is no exception. We are closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation regarding its impact to the Alberta workplace. However, it can cause serious illness in some, and there is a risk of death in severe cases.While we are still learning about COVID-19, serious illness appears to develop more often in people who are older or have pre-existing conditions, such as:There is no vaccine or proven treatment for COVID-19 at this time. Find out how.Complete COVID-19 information for Albertans,Learn how to book an influenza immunization appointment online,Guidance for Influenza Immunizations During COVID-19,Get tested and isolate if you have symptoms,people with symptoms follow mandatory isolation requirements,COVID-19 information for young kids and students,Family violence during COVID-19 information sheet,Find information on shelter and financial supports,Learn how to recognize and prevent family violence,Learn about renter and landlord protections.Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB):Eased rules for Registered Retirement Income Funds,emergency funding for charities and not-for-profit organizations,COVID-19 information for disability service providers,take the online assessment to arrange testing,Exemptions related to public health orders,Shelter guidance: preventing and controlling and managing COVID-19,Information for non-health care volunteers,Guidance for child care and preschools during COVID-19,Learn about post-secondary learning during COVID-19,Chief Medical Officer of Health orders, amendments and exemptions,Submit your offers of products or services,Alberta Health Services (AHS) COVID-19 updates,World Health Organization COVID-19 updates,COVID-19 scheduled surgery backlog cut by 88 per cent,UPDATE: Federal education funding for COVID-19,Update on PPE for schools: Minister Allard and Minister LaGrange,Expanding COVID-19 testing for asymptomatic Albertans | Un plus grand nombre de tests de dépistage de la COVID-19 pour les Albertains et Albertaines asymptomatiques,Masks for schools procurement: Minister LaGrange,COVID-19 funding for First Nations colleges,Alberta to provide additional COVID-19 homelessness supports,School health measures now include mandatory masks,practice good hygiene: wash hands often for at least 20 seconds, use hand sanitizer, cover coughs and sneezes, and avoid touching face,monitor for symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat,self-isolate for the legally-required 10 days if you have any symptoms that are not related to a pre-existing illness or medical condition,50 people maximum: indoor social gatherings, including wedding and funeral receptions,200 people maximum for audience-type community outdoor events, such as festivals, firework displays, rodeos and sporting events, and outdoor performances,100 people maximum for other outdoor events and indoor seated/audience events, including wedding ceremonies, funeral services, movie theatres, indoor arts and culture performances and other indoor spectator events where people remain seated.No cap on the number of people (with public health measures in place):core household cohorts can increase their close interactions with other households, up to 15 people,performers can have a cohort of up to 50 people (cast members or performers),sports teams can play in region-only cohorts of up to 50 players (mini leagues),child care programs can form a cohort of up to 30 people (children and staff).An official global travel advisory is in effect. This will save households $55 million.We implemented a 6 month, interest free moratorium on Alberta student loan payments for all Albertans in the process of repaying these loans.Residential customers could defer electricity and natural gas bill payments until June 18, 2020. These caregivers need support too.Caregivers can get psychosocial and other peer and community supports by calling the toll-free caregiver advisor line at.$30 million has been provided to charities, non-profits and civil society organizations to support their COVID-19 response.Disability service providers play an essential role in supporting people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.However, there is always an increased risk of preterm or stillbirth with any significant maternal illness.Talk to your health care provider if you have questions or are worried about leaving your home to attend appointments.Worship leaders may continue to hold worship services remotely, but can now offer in-person services with no cap on attendance, as long as physical distancing of 2 metres is maintained between families and household cohorts.Congregational singing is a high-risk activity and is discouraged.Shelters and temporary or transitional housing facilities provide an essential service in Alberta during this time.We are working with community-based organizations, homeless shelters and women’s shelters to:$30 million has been committed to adult homeless shelters and women’s emergency shelters to support their COVID-19 response.Government issued public health orders to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, among seniors and vulnerable groups for the following settings:Volunteers play many important roles in communities across our province.Volunteers and volunteer organizations must follow all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to protect themselves and those they help.In-person classes may resume with restrictions.Contact your post-secondary institution, or visit their website, for more information on course delivery for this fall.If there is a requirement for your product or service, you will be contacted directly.The program is named after the “bits and pieces program” established by Canada’s Minister of Munitions and Supply during the Second World War, C. D. Howe.