I am ashamed that I was blind to this for as long as I was. It’s been nearly a year since Elijah McClain was murdered. Fire and charge all officers and EMTs involved in Elijah McClain’s murder.It is time to act on your unkept promises. We live in a different time, everything is out there in your face, for everybody. Release the 3 protestors who were arrested by APD while demanding justice for Elijah without charges, and make no further arrests of demonstrators.End the brutalization of protestors with pepper spray, tear gas, and projectiles, which violates the ban on tear gas passed in Senate Bill 217. Support his family’s GoFundMe page here:https://www.gofundme.com/f/elijah-mcclain,FBI Declares Rope Found At NASCAR Driver Bubba Wallace’s Garage Was Not A Noose,Rapper Huey Of ‘Pop, Lock & Drop It’ Fame Shot Dead At 31 In His Hometown. A few days after his encounter with police, he was removed from life support by his family.

End the brutalization of demonstrators now, as you are required by law under SB217.Protect and serve the people, not murderous police. Fire Elijah McClain’s murderers.TWEET City Council Members needing public pressure: (@nicoleforaurora, @Marsha_Berzins, @gruberforaurora).We the people demand that Monday’s vote on the city’s independent investigation is open to public comment, with no hoops to jump through. In recent weeks, photos of Eljiah McClain playing the violin for shelter cats have circulated online. They wanted the involved officers arrested immediately.“We will not stop until the police who murdered Elijah McClain are behind bars by midnight tonight,” said a speaker for the Party of Socialism and Liberation.Police were visibly present, guarding the police headquarters while a few in riot gear stood around the corner. Fire and charge Elijah McClain’s murderers, and fire the officers on paid administrative leave who mocked his death by posing at his memorial site – immediately.TWEET Mayor Mike Coffman (@AuroraMayorMike).You committed to focus on Elijah McClain’s case when you came into office. Now she’s tackling mural walls.McClain activists question sincerity of progress made,Animal welfare in the age of social media,“WAP” is a fierce sex-positive anthem, and it’s making conservatives cry,Officials ‘confused’ by sweep of small homeless encampment on Glenarm. He didn’t deserve this. We just want it to be fair, we’ve been dealing with unfairness for a long time,” Michael said.Many families with small children and others who felt out of place at the larger Denver protests thought they would be safer at the vigil. When Elijah’s mother Sheneen McClain spoke on stage, few were able to hear what she was saying.“They are chanting the wrong [slogan],” Sheneen said while demonstrators chanted “Black Lives Matter” in front of the police headquarters.Although Shaneen has been photographed wearing a Black Lives Matter facemask, her lawyer Mari Newmark clarified that the bereaved mother prefers to focus on the idea that humanity matters and wants peace in the community.Newmark also said Shereen was happy Gov. I am watching and waiting, as are the voters of Aurora.Hello. McClain died after being stopped by police last year in the suburb of Aurora. Sign the petition calling for justice for Elijah McClain here. (Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post via AP)

Join the campaign to demand justice for Elijah McClain. My name is [your name] and I am a resident of [city, Colorado] and I am calling you today to demand accountability for the murder of Elijah McClain. Elijah, who was a massage therapist, died after spending four days in a coma last August following an encounter with police in Aurora, Colorado. WARNING! His family said he’s anemic and preferred to wear a ski mask to keep his face warm. I demand your advocacy for release without charges for the 3 protestors who were arrested by APD demanding justice for Elijah, and no further arrests of demonstrators.The people are watching. Finally, I demand that the three officers who posed inappropriately for a photo at Elijah McClain’s memorial be fired immediately.The people are watching, and we demand justice for Elijah and the McClain family NOW.Call City Manager Jim Twombly (303) 739 7010,Call City Clerk Stephen Ruger’s Office (303) 739 7094,Call District Chief Judge Emily E. Anderson (303) 654 3550,Call Deputy City Attorney Nancy Rodgers (303) 739 6014,Call Aurora City Attorney Daniel L. Brotzman (303) 870 9078,Call Fire Chief Fernando Gray (303) 326 8999,https://linktr.ee/Justiceforelijahmcclain,https://twitter.com/chinqpink/status/1277348496610177024?s=20,calling for the officers responsible to be fired,calling for the resignation of DA Dave Young,JOIN/FOLLOW/DONATE/UPLIFT BLM 5280 & on social media.You said you won’t take action based on public pressure.

Call District Chief Judge Emily E. Anderson (303) 654 3550. Release the 3 protestors who were arrested by APD while demanding justice for Elijah without charges, and make no further arrests of demonstrators.There is no reason to use chemical warfare on peaceful protestors.