The holiday accommodation comprises of, single, twin, double & family rooms, most having sea views. Bay Lodge Penzance; Bay Lodge Penzance + More - Less. Vloga je biti distributer mnenj gostov in nastanitev.Te smernice in standardi omogočajo, da je vsebina na strani relevantna in družinam prijazna, ne da bi omejevale izražanje mnenj. Clare and Kev were so friendly and gave great suggestions on places to visit, and the best time of day to go!”,1122540|6,1183880,1189330|2,1179650,1157880,1191110,1191290|4,1118310|9,1174220,1099630,1140200,1193870,1193190,1192510,1170100,1191290|2,1191000,1178480,1193070,1194790,1189390,1189330,1195890|2,1122540|7,1189640,1186930,1170590,1157880|4,1195890,1185210,1186820,1191290,1176490,1180000,1183210,1187510,1122540,1185880,1187510|5,1122540|2,1178620,Bay Lodge (Nočitev z zajtrkom), Penzance (VB) - Ponudbe.Kliknite tukaj, da bi si prebrali smernice za objave.Pogosta vprašanja o koronavirusu (COVID-19). I was made to feel totally at home. lahko po lastni presoji spremeni, modificira, izbriše ali kako drugače spremeni te smernice.Več informacij najdete v razdelku z vprašanji in odgovori. Claire and Kevin were excellent hosts nothing was too much trouble.Breakfast was excellent lots of choice.We would not hesitate to stay again.Excellent location, Clare and Kevin were more than welcoming, they cook a fabulous full English breakfast! The Isles of Scilly can be reached from Penzance and Bay Lodge is ideally situated to visit the islands by either the Helicopter, Plane or by Boat. Bay Lodge is situated in Penzance. St John the Baptist Church, Penzance is minutes away. Claire is the supreme hostess being so friendly and helpful and offering wonderful service. Clare was a wonderful hostess. Please see our partners for more details.We look forward to welcoming you to the Bay Lodge and providing you with a good quality room all Ensuite, and friendly, professional service. Tako vemo, da komentarje pustijo resnični gostje, ki so v nastanitvi bivali.Naši gosti obiščejo nastanitev in se prepričajo o pogojih v sobi, prijaznosti osebja in drugem.Po koncu bivanja nam gosti povedo mnenje o potovanju.

This was our first visit to Bay Lodge but we are in no doubt that we shall return. Prosimo.Otroci, stari 4 let in več, so dobrodošli.Da bi videli ustrezne cene in podatke o kapaciteti, pri iskanju vključite število otrok v vaši skupini in njihovo starost.Dodatki niso samodejno vključeni v skupno ceno in se plačajo posebej med bivanjem v nastanitvi.V tej nastanitvi dodatna ležišča niso na voljo.Največje dovoljeno število otroških posteljic je odvisno od sobe, ki jo izberete. Možne so še nekatere druge opcije razvrstitve (glede na vrsto popotnika, oceno itd. Snorkelling and windsurfing can be enjoyed nearby. Arriving at Bay Lodge by Car: Follow the A30 through Cornwall to the Tesco Roundabout on Eastern Green as you approach Penzance - Use the left lane signed for Penzance Town Centre, onto the B3311 - Take the second turning on the right. odgovor. Kevins breakfast were really great and there are pleany of options to choose, from full English to a bowl of fruit. 94 deals from. Bay Lodge is only a short walk from the bus and railway stations and, because I can no longer drive, this was an ideal location. Probably the best Breakfast in Cornwall.. Clare was a wonderful hostess. Complimentary WiFi is offered.™. Priporočamo vam, da izberete rezervacijo z možnostjo brezplačne odpovedi, če bi se vaši načrti glede potovanja spremenili.Pri rezervacijah, opravljenih 6. aprila 2020 ali pozneje, vam svetujemo, da upoštevate tveganje glede koronavirusa (COVID-19) in s tem povezane vladne ukrepe. Komentarji in mediji, ki vključujejo 'sovražni govor', diskriminatorne izjave, grožnje, seksualno eksplicitne izjave, nasilje in spodbujanje nezakonitih dejavnosti, niso dovoljeni.Spoštujte zasebnost drugih. teh vprašanj in odgovorov ne objavlja sam, temveč jih le posreduje (brez obveznosti preverjanja). Prosimo, poskusite znova pozneje.Komentar lahko napišejo le uporabniki, ki so opravili rezervacijo prek in bivali v zadevni nastanitvi. 100% recommendable.”,“The hosts are very friendly and attentive to our needs. Prosimo, ne vključujte osebnih, političnih, etičnih ali verskih komentarjev. HISTORICAL SITES Bay Lodge is surrounded by landmarks and places of historical interest. Bay Lodge B&B Sorry no longer available on the site- Retired Advert -Ensuite Bed and Breakfast with sea views -Penzance Seafront. Intruder alarms and fire alarm systems are fitted throughout the Lodge, while a Lodge Manager is on hand to assist you with anything else you might need. Arriving at Bay Lodge by Car: Follow the A30 through Cornwall to the Tesco Roundabout on Eastern Green as you approach Penzance - Use the left lane signed for Penzance Town Centre, onto the B3311 - Take the second turning on the right.

The nearest airport is Land's End Airport, 16 km from the property. Vašo prošnjo za odpoved bo obdelala nastanitev na osnovi pravil, ki ste jih izbrali, in obvezne zakonodaje o varstvu potrošnikov, kadar bo to potrebno. sobo. Also very helpful on how to get to places in the area, great restaurant recommendations too. Would highly recommend Bay Lodge!Breakfast was amazing, anything you wanted they had, or could do!