All rights reserved. Roadways to the Federal Bench: Who Me? See Fig 1.3.

In a criminal case, the convicted offender has a criminal record. The sentence may be an order to pay a monetary penalty (a fine and/or restitution to the victim), imprisonment, or supervision in the community (by a court employee called a U.S. probation officer if a federal crime), or some combination of these three things. Get Professional Legal Help Today. The Charter does not say what this means but the courts have provided some guidance. There are two types: The person charged with a criminal offence is called the accused. During the trial, it is up to the plaintiff to present facts to support the claim against the defendant. Legal cases, whether criminal or civil, are premised on the idea that a dispute will be fairly resolved when a legal procedure exists by which the dispute can be brought to a factfinder not otherwise involved in the case, who can evaluate evidence to determine the truth with respect to claims of guilt, innocence, liability, or lack of fault.

Also, if any evidence is obtained that violates the accused's Charter rights, such as through an unreasonable search and seizure, the judge may refuse to admit the evidence. The jury has 8 members and only 6 out of 8 have to decide that the defendant is liable. There may be a preliminary hearing before a trial, during which a judge examines the case to decide if there is enough evidence to proceed with the trial. If the plaintiff is succes However, it is often more convenient to refer to cases – particularly landmark and other notable cases – by a title of the form Claimant v Defendant (e.g. If the objection is sustained, the witness does not answer the question, and the attorney must move on to his next question. In most civil and criminal cases, a decision made at one level of the court system can be appealed to a higher level. Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life, Name A defendant who goes to trial risks greater penalties than would normally be imposed through a plea bargain. An example of this would be a car accident where the person at fault could be charged with dangerous driving and that person could also be sued for damages to pay for the injuries suffered. They may be suing the other for the repayment of debt, breach of a contract, damages incurred because of non-performance or for personal injuries suffered.

It is then up to the jury to decide which version of the facts it believes. Civil Cases vs. Criminal Cases: When They Cross Paths. The plaintiff may ask the court to tell the defendant to fulfill the duty, or make compensation for the harm done, or both. In serious criminal cases, a preliminary inquiry is held in Provincial Court before the case is put over for trial. It's important to understand the differences and similarities when considering civil cases vs. criminal cases, summarized in the sections below. In re Gault). This is also known as a suit or action. An example of a civil case in a state court would be if a citizen (including a corporation) sued another citizen for not living up to a contract.

Explain your answer in detail. Cases involving separation including asset division, support (a.k.a. The style of cause would read Nolette vs. Leung.

Justice Education Society. A person accused of a crime is generally charged in a formal accusation called an indictment (for felonies or serious crimes) or information (for misdemeanors).

The remedy sought may be money, an injunction, which requires the defendant to perform or refrain from performing some action, or a declaratory judgment, which determines that the plaintiff has certain legal rights. There are three different types. A person who is taken into custody goes to a holding cell in a detention centre. If, for example, the case is called John Jones vs. the Zero Company, or John Jones vs. Susan Smith, then John Jones is the plaintiff …

It is important to have the proper parties named in a civil lawsuit. n. 1) one of the participants in a lawsuit or other legal proceeding who has an interest in the outcome. The right to appeal a court's decision is an important safeguard in our legal system because a court could make an error in a trial. The archaic term "suit in law" is found in only a small number of laws still in effect today.