Expenses that vary based upon various factors, such as the number of attendees . 2) The locality where a contractual dispute is decided. Certified Special Event Professional; an earned designation from the International Special Events Society (ISES). A lead retrieval method using embossed plastic cards similar to credit cards. See Also Event-Contracted Block. The point at which revenues are equal to expenses. An electronic message center or online discussion group, usually serving a special-interest group.

Part of a cancellation clause that outlines the amount of damages to be paid to the noncelling party in the event of a cancellation.

1) A research method based upon selecting a portion of a population for study. Often used in terms of a FRONT PROJECTION SCREEN which is translucent to images being projected from the rear and can be viewed from the front.

Meeting and event Web sites can facilitate distance learning by offering online educational programs. It grants licensing agreements for the performance of music. Portable MICROPHONE operating on its own power source.

See Also Classroom Set-Up Seating arrangement in which rows of tables with chairs face the front of a room and each person has a space for writing.

It often includes a final review of bills with accounts payable. As an unbiased resource, CVBs can serve as a broker or an official point of contact for convention and event planners, tour operators and visitors. Involves all related functions and services.
A contract clause in which one party agrees to pay damages or claims that the other party may be required to pay to another. Ability to transmit huge volumes of voice and video over a network or the internet, without jumpy images. Also Called MASTER BILL. The agenda focuses on evaluating the implementation of the event and completing the APEX POST EVENT REPORT. Contains information about technical points, cost of exhibition space, floor plan of the exhibition and application for participation.


drawn to scale.

A customs document permitting the holder to carry or send merchandise temporarily into certain foreign countries (for display, demonstration or similar purposes) without paying duties or posting bonds. Executive responsible for financial affairs of an organization. A document that stipulates what services the organization wants from an outside contractor and requests a bid to perform such services. A document, required by certain countries for tariff purposes, certifying as to the country of origin of specified goods. In essence, ASPs are a way for organizations to outsource some or almost all aspects of their information technology needs. A feature of many videoconferencing systems that allows two or more people to use the same software program, even if all do not have it on their computer or conferencing system.

The workshop concept has been developed to compensate for diverging views in a particular discipline or on a particular subject. See BACKBONE. See Also Shop Display Builder, Preferred term for the specific person responsible for all aspects of planning, promoting, and producing an exhibition. 1) Exclusive use of all or some space on an airplane, bus, ship, or other vehicle for a special period of time and for a specific itinerary. See Also Demi-Pension American Plan Bermuda Plan Continental Plan European Plan. See Also Microphone, A self-contained unit with a LCD (liquid crystal display) panel, light source and lens that works with both PC and Mac computers and duplicates the image being shown on the monitor without any need for special software or complex setting up.