Do NOT use elevators.Remain at least three hundred (300) feet away from the building and await further instructions. If a weather closing is possible, take any needed items from campus in advance as you may not be permitted to enter until snow removal is complete.The campus Emergency Notification System (ENS) and sirens will also be activated.Be prepared to take shelter on the lowest level of your building or residence hall if a tornado warning is issued.Do not pull the fire alarm to alert others of a tornado warning.Stay away from windows and exterior doors.Wait for an all clear notification prior to returning to your work area, classroom, or living area.If outdoors, lie in a ditch or low-lying area, or crouch near a building if shelter is not available or if there is no time to get indoors.Stay inside! It all starts with understanding the Incident Type.The Incident Type is the actual situation found upon arrival to the scene. Leave the building via the nearest exit. Do not depend on any one person as they may not always be available. All rights reserved.Remove yourself and others from the area.If anyone had contact with the hazardous material, they should be isolated and await treatment by emergency personnel. For this reason, it is important to keep this difference in mind when considering what code to use for Incident Type. Some people who may need assistance have no visible disability.Master the skill of giving quick information on how best to assist you. The elevator shaft can also become a chimney for smoke and the power can go out, leaving the elevator stuck between floors.Attempt a rescue evacuation only when a physically disabled person is in immediate danger and cannot wait for professional assistance.If the building has an Area of Refuge, assist the disabled person to that area.

System. Name - Apple Fire Incident Type - Wildfire Start Date - 2020-07-31 Last Updated - 2020-08-03 07:16:48 Admin Unit - Unified Command: CAL FIRE Riverside/ Riverside County, USFS - San Bernardino, and Yucaipa City Fire The goal is to limit exposure of students, faculty,and staff to danger by preventing dangerous persons from entering,,Keep your hands visible to responding police officers,Hide in an area out of the active shooter’s view,Block entry to your hiding place and lock doors,As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger,Act with physical aggression. For example, the 100 series incidents are fires, such as “111” for a building fire.

Incident typing also aids emergency managers in organizing a “right-sized” response by matching resources and capabilities to the complexity of the incident (i.e., Type 1 IMT for a Type 1 incident). Type 4: City, County or Fire District Level – a designated team of fire, EMS, and possibly law enforcement officers from a larger and generally more populated area, typically within a single jurisdiction (city or county), activated when necessary to manage an incident during the first 6–12 hours and possibly transition to a Type 3 IMT. Do not leave the building unless you are confronted with imminent danger inside.If outside, seek shelter in the nearest building.Take shelter in a lockable room if possible. Quick reference for helping students having difficulties.Westfield State University implements the following procedures.Parking Policy  - In the event of a parking ban, notification may be posted in each building with instructions on where to move vehicles.
Kansas Some exterior doors will lock automatically. Remember: a Shelter In Place order means there are dangerous environmental conditions but NOT any known threat of violent behavior. (See.What was found upon arrival to the scene is often quite different from the reason for dispatch. 176 Incident Types Type 3 Incident Management Teams All-Hazard Incident Management Teams (AHIMT) play an essential role in the management of, and response to, local/regional/national … Fire Be clear and concise.

For buildings without an Area of Refuge, the disabled person should be moved to the nearest stairwell, or a room with the door shut which is well clear of any hazardous area.Ask others leaving the building to notify emergency responders that a physically disabled person needs assistance in evacuating. Quickly determine the best way to protect your life.Bomb threats usually come by telephone. Allowing others into the building will not jeopardize your safety.Close all exterior doors, windows and any other openings to the outside.Avoid overcrowding by selecting several rooms if necessary.Monitor the Emergency Notification System and email for further instructions.Report any emergency or unusual condition to Public Safety at (413) 572-5262.Do not leave the building until receiving the “all clear” from a police officer, Public Safety officer, the Emergency Notification System or website communication.All building occupants are required to evacuate when the fire alarm sounds or upon the order of an authorized University official such as a Public Safety officer or Emergency Response Team member.If time permits, stabilize lab procedures, turn off stoves/ovens, and unplug or disable any device that could make a dangerous situation even worse.Move to the closest exit and proceed down the EXIT stairwell in a safe and orderly manner. two engines, a truck and a battalion chief). The Incident Type is defined as the actual situa on that emergency personnel found on the scene when they arrived.