Clark County Auditor | Elections | August 4, 2020 Primary . 2, Legislative District 18 State Representative Pos. It was a bit more difficult, though, with senses such as hearing being limited as those in the office maintained space.

Congressional District 3 U.S. Representative, Washington State Commissioner of Public Lands, Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Legislative District 14 State Representative Pos. 192nd Ave., Vancouver, and the Washougal Community Library, at 1661 C St., Suite 2391. The general election that year attracted 77 percent of Clark County registered voters, so the elections office could face an atypically high volume of ballots this November.

Education Reporter, Please take a second to review our community guidelines. The Feb. 11 special election covers school district funding measures in the Vancouver, Ridgefield, Washougal and Woodland school districts. 3, EAST COUNTY FIRE AND RESCUE Proposition No. 192nd Ave., Vancouver, and the Washougal Community Library, at … Temporary locations at schools and churches will also be opened on Election Day only. The elections office received nearly 1,300 ballots in the two days since polls closed for this week’s primary and special elections. 1, Legislative District 17 State Representative Pos. Liddicoat said that voters can make election workers’ jobs easier by taking care to clearly mark their choices and closely follow ballot instructions. The Clark County Elections Office opened two 24-hour drop boxes at Shahala Middle School, at 601 S.E. Voters will also decide whether to annex Battle Ground into Fire District 3. 2, COUNTY COUNCILOR DISTRICT NO. “That’s par for the course for what we’re going through right now.”. Clark County voter turnout is predictably low heading into the weekend, with 23.8 percent of eligible voters thus far casting ballots. No stamp is necessary to mail in ballots. Joan Liddicoat, 64, has worked as a Clark County elections helper for more than four years. This year, county staff placed green tape on the floor to indicate where observers could walk and stop.

“I had to really, really think about it,” Liddicoat said. Complaint flushed: No charge in toilet election display, Trump’s Ohio suburb slide signals peril in industrial north. Washington is an all-mail election state. The mail-in ballots, which are eligible for counting if they were postmarked before 8 p.m. Tuesday, skyrocketed voter turnout from roughly 31 percent on election night to just over 50 percent by Thursday. 2, Legislative District 17 State Representative Pos.

Kimsey said that the office will be looking to hire more temporary workers for the general election. By comparison, in 2016, another presidential election year, primary voter turnout was just 30 percent. Despite all of the indications this week, the realities of the virus still leave a lot to be discovered up to and in the days after Nov. 3, “It’ll really depend on what the pandemic is doing, don’t you think?” Geiger said. 4 COUNCILOR, DISTRICT NO.

Edri Geiger heads the group of election observers from the League of Women Voters of Clark County.

Traditionally more people tend to go to the elections office to cast ballots in the general election than in the primaries. Turnout trends low in special elections.

*Multi-county race. 4, RIDGEFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. “I think it runs pretty much, functionally, like it has for every other election I’ve worked.”. Receive latest stories and local news in your email: Columbian

The red drop boxes are located across Clark County, and will be open until polls close Tuesday evening. Kimsey, a Republican who has been the auditor for 21 years, said that he was “very pleased” with the performance of the U.S.

Despite the unusual protocols, those who have participated in the complicated and precise ballot counting process before seemed largely unfazed. It’s just different.”. Like everyone else in the room, Nielsen, 79, did so while wearing a mask. Election Results.

county government and small cities reporter, A protective panel separates Vancouver residents Gail Hinchsliff, left, and Tim Richardson as they help collect and sort ballots Tuesday morning at the Clark County Elections Office. “They have done just an outstanding job of putting their noses to the grindstone and just getting the counting done,” Liddicoat said. Instead of hosting dozens of polling places, ballot processors gather in one location, making it administratively easier and less costly but, this year, challenging to implement. The auditor said that workers and volunteers were told to stay home if they felt sick, and one person did so, with what eventually appeared to be a cold-like illness. “Vote-by-mail makes it a whole lot easier for voters to adhere to social distancing guidelines,” Kimsey said. Inside were some of the typical social distancing features: mask requirements, hand sanitizer, clear protective panels, extra more space between workers, and the option to wear gloves. 1, Legislative District 18 State Representative Pos.

“Actually no, that does not bother me at all, and I know my co-workers have the same experience. Ballots are due by 8 p.m. Tuesday, or must be postmarked that day. Results include only Clark County. 4, CLARK COUNTY FIRE AND RESCUE Proposition No. They adapt.

Visit, or search #ClarkElex on Twitter. 122 Proposition No. We all adapt,” Nielsen said.

The Clark County Elections Office opened two 24-hour drop boxes at Shahala Middle School, at 601 S.E.

3 COUNCILOR, DISTRICT NO. Dozens of temporary workers and volunteers, many of whom are over 60 years old, participated in ballot processing for this week’s primary and special elections. “It does put a few constraints in it,” Geiger said. Before entering the building this week for shifts that could last up to 10 hours, workers and volunteers had their temperatures checked. As a ballot runner, Pia Nielsen is charged with collecting ballots and transferring them from one phase of the process to another. “We don’t know what is going to happen. Black voters in Detroit key for Biden, but are they engaged? 6 Proposition No. 2, Legislative District 20 State Representative Pos. Voters in the east part of the county have new options for dropping off their ballots.

“We’re really pleased that folks are participating like that, but it results in a lot of work down here.”.