Read more. Isn't type C the smallest type of orca? Calves were also observed during our study left at the ice edge when the adults were foraging under the ice.

"Both types live in the Antarctic pack ice and therefore the low temperature of this habitat could be one selective pressure. (c) Call type McM5 compared with call type A2 [62]. Both singular and multi-component call types McM4, McM5, McM5a and McM14 were similar in structure to call types B7, A2, A18 and F1, respectively, described by Billon [62] (figure 8b–d,g). 5 Hz–85 kHz bandwidth) and a 20 dB in-line amplifier.
Given the physical habitat at McMurdo Sound, characterized by a limited number of breathing holes, numerous family groups may be present within close vicinity, although information on the social structure of Type C killer whales is limited and it is unknown whether this ecotype is organized in stable groups similar to the matrilineal groups of Northern Hemisphere fish-eating killer whales. (b) Call type McM4 compared with call type B7 [62]. Spectrograms of the highest-quality calls were examined for characteristic patterns yielding a catalogue of 28 call types (comprising 1250 calls).

Of the 28 call categories, 46% were biphonic call categories (n = 13) and 54% were monophonic call categories (n = 15). Due to insufficient diagnostic features on photographs from this encounter, confirmation of ecotype was not possible. For categories with 10 or fewer calls, all calls were measured. Killer whales (Orcinus orca) are top marine predators occurring globally. Type Bs are one of the largest forms of orca known and primarily feed on seals. A large vocal repertoire may reflect the feeding ecology of this ecotype or the behavioural state during the recording, or possibly both factors. We would like to acknowledge the staff at McMurdo Station for their enthusiastic support, especially the helicopter pilots and the ice safety crew. Killer whale evolution leads to two orca species, A tale of two orcas: the larger type B form, Dr Andy Foote and colleagues have previously revealed that there is not one but two types of killer whale living in UK waters, Killer whales create and visit social clubs just like people do, Visit Biology Letters to read more about the evolution of orcas, Killer whale (videos, sound files, facts, photos and news stories): BBC Wildlife Finder, Dolphins, killer whales and allies (videos, sound files, facts, photos and news stories): BBC Wildlife Finder, Positive selection on the killer whale mitogenome: Biology Letters. These results show that clearly defined call types exist in the repertoire of Type C killer whales. Type C killer whales are known to feed primarily on fish, and, similar to the fish-eating killer whales in the Northeast Pacific [50], their call repertoire displays a high number of call types and acoustic variability between call types. The orca is around 4 tons while the shark is around 1 ton. Yeah I think I would favour the shark at parity as well.
Type A killer whales look similar to typical orcas (which are found worldwide), but mainly feed on minke whales; type Bs are smaller and many eat seals; type Cs go after fish. (e) Call type McM22, a multi-component biphonic call, with the biphonation evident at the start of the call at a low start frequency. Currently, there is no defined technique for classifying killer whale call types, let alone for determining how many categories there should be, nor is there a singular technique for validating classifications. Raw data are available in the Dryad Digital Repository: [106]. Figure 2.

Figure 8. Acoustic recordings were inspected both visually and aurally using acoustic software Raven Pro 1.5 [70]. For example, if measurements were done off the first overtone, then the measurements were divided by 2 in order to correspond to the fundamental. We thank the four observers who participated in the interobserver reliability test.

[27]) or high-frequency component (HFC; e.g. Antarctic killer whales make rapid, round-trip movements to subtropical waters: evidence for physiological maintenance migrations?

The PRR can be read off the spectrogram as the sideband spacing (SBS). Figure 6. But the two mutations should have the opposite effect on metabolism to one another suggesting divergent evolution.". Whistles of killer whale populations in the North Pacific have fundamental frequencies ranging from 1 to 36 kHz [35,44–47], while eastern North Atlantic killer whale populations have fundamental frequencies up to 74 kHz [48]. As our data did not confirm the LFC/HFC separation, we did not use this terminology.

(c) Call type McM4, a multi-component biphonic call, with harmonics and weak sidebands in the biphonation. Biphonic calls have been observed in the repertoire of fish-eating killer whales in both the Northwest Pacific [49] and Northeast Pacific [32], with these calls more common when animals occurred in mixed groupings consisting of members of different pods. Component 3 is a burst-pulse sound with an SBS of roughly 1 kHz.

These dialects are stable through time [31,32] and are a learned behaviour [27,33,34]. A fast Fourier transform (FFT) was computed in Hann windows of 1024 and 512 samples with 90% overlap for the recordings sampled at 96 and 44.1 kHz, respectively, resulting in a frequency resolution of about 90 Hz and time window of about 11 ms. Only recordings made during a confirmed sighting of Type C killer whales were included in our analysis. As whistles have sinusoidal waveforms and burst-pulse sounds are series of rapid pulses, these two call types should be easily discernible from their waveforms.

Component 1 is a whistle with harmonics and occasional weak sidebands indicative of amplitude modulation. Electronic supplementary material is available online at and C.E.)

Like other delphinids, killer whales have an acoustic repertoire that consists of sounds fitting into three broad classes: clicks, whistles and burst-pulse sounds. Once all call categories had been examined, call categories that comprised fewer than three instances of that call were removed.