“But but not in a destructive way,” Zenner continues. We poke fun at the brands that sell the dream and aspirational lifestyles. Griffith Foods research finds millions of casual meat reducers, barely detected by food industry. What is it that makes your drinks so ugly? A great example of this is Ugly’s National Sibling’s Day post on Instagram. Subscribe, By Flora Southey I wish I could cook Michelin starred food so that I could visit all of the best restaurants and hang out with all the best chefs. vOut += aTags[i].trim().replace(reg, '-').substring(0,40);

So, Joe and Hugh, what does the next 12 months have in store for Ugly Drinks?
Consumers are not only looking for functional foods and beverages, they’re looking for high-quality, science-backed ingredients that provide multiple benefits.... Kerry Taste & Nutrition | Recorded the 29-Jul-2020 | Webinar. dataLayerNews.related_tags = sanitize_gpt_value2("Soft drink, US Foods, Beverage can"); - Last updated on Quite often drinks are packed into pretty packages and promise the world without delivering. I love some of Ugly Drink’s web copy. We talk mornings, business and fizzy drinks with the co-founder Hugh Thomas… Hugh Thomas, 27, is co-founder of new drinks brand Ugly Drinks…

In the company’s early days, co-founder, Joe Benn, realized that building a community of brand advocates would help them to spread the world about their alternative, challenger brand.

Learning distribution models is also key to ensure nationwide coverage. Pro Tip: When it comes to keeping on top of ever-changing internet and meme culture, the Ugly team has a Slack channel where they share content they stumble upon online. media solutions, Apple made CD’s redundant, and gave us 1,000 songs in our pocket, Airbnb took travel, and made us all feel at home across globe, Netflix made video rentals a thing of the past, and.

Recorded the 03-Sep-2020 | Webinar.

“Those conversations have been invaluable and have opened our eyes to possibilities that structured surveys might miss.”. Consumers, Zenner believes, are bored and have switched off from this type of content, instead craving reality again. It allowed him to network, meet with clients and consumers, learn the industry, and learn the investment environment.

The study found that the most health-centric group of consumers is Generation Z, part of Ugly’s GenZenial market. 07-Oct-2019 at 12:51 GMT. “We’ll even make fun of ourselves if we’re using stock imagery or really polished videos. “So for consumers who are craving the truth, especially in the socio-political, fake news, world we’re in at the moment, we have positioned Ugly as a brand that tells every truth.”. Four years on, the challenger brand is listed in retailers across the UK – including in both Tesco and Sainsbury’s – and boasts more than five million can sales to date.

This word of mouth excitement around The Ugly Truth platform has been our best marketing by far.”.
“If you manufacture or distribute your product from the wrong place, [logistics costs] will eat up all your margin,”​ said Thomas, adding that DTC shipping is costly. Why do you think everyone in Britain suddenly has a thirst for alternative waters? Keep reading to uncover the four key steps Ugly has taken to build an industry-disrupting, global business in under five years…. Ugly has partnered with Girl Up, a gender equality charity, to drive positive change and tackle global gender inequality. Another aspect of the community that Zenner says is hugely important to Ugly is user generated content on social media, with the brand often re-sharing social media posts from its audience to Instagram stories. contact, 07-Oct-2019 We believe consumers are drinking too much sugar and sweetener and that they are really sweet enough already. “Social media has been an amazing tool for us to spread the Ugly word since launch,” says Thomas. The results... MANE Flavours and Fragrances Manufacturer | 03-Aug-2020 Everything is affected by being there in person. googletag.cmd.push(function () “The Ugly Truth started as a product message, but has broadened out to become about society.

Different regions, different states, and different cities have different distributors. Telling ‘every truth’ means that Ugly has to take a stand on topics outside of the drinks industry too. If the answer is yes, then you’re heading in the right direction. Have you got a personal favourite? Yet learning the US market and setting up Ugly’s international arm has ‘been a rollercoaster’, the co-founder admitted, as he shared some key lessons learnt from making the jump across the pond.

When we put that up on our feed or story it tends to get better engagement that the content we’ve spent a bunch of money on.”. | Product Presentation. Market Trends, } It’s also incredibly valuable for Ugly team members to take the time to speak with customers in detail, outside of email, surveys and social media. We’re not a dream, we’re a drink,” the brand stated in a 2018 advert. return vOut;

Getting in the market has been invaluable.”​. You guys have literally just launched! Ugly’s founders, Hugh Thomas and Joe Benn, are no strangers to the drinks industry after working together at Vita Coco, and over the years, the pair had grown tired the way many soft drinks were marketed.

The ‘totally unsweet’ carbonated beverage is made from fruit-based essential oils and sparkling water with no sugar, sweetened additives, or calories.

Ugly believes that its audience is tired of ‘perfection’ and seeks a more sincere view of the world. Ugly Water has no sugar, no sweeteners, no artificial flavours, no preservatives and no calories. Please can you tell us a bit about Ugly Drinks? But Ugly isn’t a plucky underdog.