The aim of the Program is to support highly motivated and creative professors.The Vladimir Potanin Foundation in cooperation with the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Russian Federation launched a target program for MGIMO students aimed to facilitate professional training of future Russian diplomats and to provide them with opportunities for foreign traineeships.MGIMO is Russia's most prestigious educational institution for young people with international relations interests. During these trips the most talented and active museum,Future of the North is the first joint program of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation and Norilsk Nickel company. The exhibition was dedicated to the 300 anniversary of Saint Petersburg and was organized with the support of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation. From 2017 Alexei is a MA student of the program Applied Culturology at the Higher School of Economics. Such a philanthropic approach can be tailored to promote leadership and sustainability-and fight inequality-in education and life in general, helping to reduce the gap between the various social and economic strata in our society. We buy and sell these companies as we see fit.”,Peering deeply into Altpoint is a difficult task. Vladimir Potanin, the founder and president of Interros, was born in Moscow on January 3, 1961.

For more than 15 years Liya worked in the British American Tobacco, Russia, running social projects of the company. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article.This page was last edited on 3 August 2020, at 11:30. Its focus shifts onto the support of experts and museum staff members aiming at up-to-date project approach and solutions, applying innovative methods which help at the same time to better preserve and interpret Russia’s cultural heritage. She worked as the Chief Accountant in the representative offices of the foreign organizations “Voluntary Services Overseas”, “Charity Aid Foundation”. It’s a successful example of how philanthropy and business uniting,In 2005 the Vladimir Potanin Foundation launched this Grant Program to mark out and encourage highly professional curators, researchers and staff members of the Hermitage, to support their desire for continuous,In 2005 the Vladimir Potanin Foundation together with the European Foundation Center supported and organized the.Among the summit participants were major donor organizations of Europe – members of the Governing Council of the European Foundation Center as well as representatives of Russian donor organizations - participants of the Donors Forum.With the support of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation the exhibition.The exhibition’s main aim was to showcase the contribution of Russia to the world art culture and demonstrate the special relationship between Russia and the West. ",Gennadi Timchenko: Russia's most low-profile billionaire,"Putin, the Kremlin power struggle and the $40bn fortune","Is Vladimir Putin hiding a $200 billion fortune? In 2007 she completed a Post-Graduate Certificate in Teacher Training in English Language Teaching (University of Exeter, UK), and in 2015 gained a distinction in the joint Master of Education Program with the University of Manchester/ Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences.“It’s a great honor for me to be a member of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation team as I believe that the place of philanthropy in education and in our broader society can have a promising, efficacious and powerful effect on our society. Vladimir Potanin is Chairman-Mgmt Board/President at Mmc Norilsk Nickel Pjsc. Maybe because we never tried to dictate to the government, to the Kremlin,” he told the FT.Potanin began quietly investing in the U.S. businesses in 2006 via Stone Tower Equity Partners LLC, a New York private equity fund.Stone Tower acquired Ford Models in 2007, but it took three years before anyone noticed Potanin’s role. “We felt it imperative that our constituents know that a Russian oligarch has purchased our election machinery,” said Maryland State Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller.Three years had passed before anybody noticed that the Russian oligarch had “purchased” Maryland’s “election machinery.” And nobody seems too bothered by the fact that the same company managed computer facilities for the U.S. Department of Defense.This matters because Potanin is an oligarch. Oksana Oracheva is General Director of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation. What about its substance?

From 2014 to 2015 she was a member of the Russian Donors Forum, an association of grantmaking organizations in Russia. Levitt was elected, even after his connections to Potanin were revealed.After the 2008 financial crisis, Guerman Aliev, a Russian who worked for Interros was dispatched in the United States to take over his boss’ investments in Stone Tower.Aliev brought on a new team and renamed Stone Tower as Altpoint Capital. ","Prime Minister of the Russian Federation – Biography",First Person An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait by Russia's President Vladimir Putin,"Putin Dazzles With German Language Skills","In Tel Aviv, Putin's German Teacher Recalls 'Disciplined' Student","Vladimir Putin as a Spy Working Undercover from 1983","Putin set to visit Dresden, the place of his work as a KGB spy, to tend relations with Germany","Did Vladimir Putin Support Anti-Western Terrorists as a Young KGB Officer?