Access to all sessions is free of charge for industry professionals. What are the reasons for exhibitors to come back? Back then, Margaret Ma, CEO Asia of Informa – Asia’s largest exhibition organiser, shared her view on their latest talent strategy as well as which skills and capabilities are most needed and how to make a concentrated effort to develop those skills.This session is dedicated to all you women out there – and men too! What can we do to help address this – to encourage women to reach higher and be more ambitious in the pursuit of their careers? Access to all sessions will be free of charge for industry professionals.First sessions are focusing on the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the exhibitions and events industry in various regions around the world.Hundreds of industry colleagues signed up for the initial sessions:This week will see a live session on the situation in Middle East & Africa, and other programming.The hub for this evolving programming is a designated area on the UFI website at “UFI connects” will provide a schedule of regular talks, panels, and webinar sessions – organized by the UFI team and the UFI community. 23 March 2020 Organisers from LATAM meet online to discuss Coronavirus situation How should the U.S exhibition industry respond? What will our world look like in the post-COVID era? What can 9,000 visitors and exhibitors tell us about the path to recovery for business events?Using the insight from the latest research conducted in partnership with Explori and supported by SISO – Society of Independent Show Organizers, Sophie Holt shared core findings of the global research, leading into a discussion with all participants.Studies have shown that having more diversity in senior management makes business sense. It’s not about being better, it’s about putting complementary skills and know-how at the service of our industry.What concrete actions can we put in place to make our industry better, make it more resilient through driving change and working together to ensure that we have more diverse representation at senior level?In this UFI Connects, Mary Larkin, Simon Kimble and Margaret Ma shared their thoughts and experiences in driving change!This very special UFI connects is dedicated to the 2020 UFI Digital Innovation Award winner! Back then, in London, Shelly Palmer walked the audience through big tech developments and their impact especially on smaller enterprises – something acutely timely right now in the wake of COVID-19.The world is facing an unprecedented crisis, over 3 billion people are under curfew with uncertainty about when these conditions will be lifted and “normal life” will resume. – Focus on Asia, included updates and insights from Aloysius Arlando (SingEx Holdings, Singapore), Michael Duck (Informa Exhibitions Asia, HongKong), Anbu Varathan (BIEC, Bangalore), and Michael Kruppe (SNIEC, Shanghai), moderated by Mark Cochrane (UFI Regional Manager Asia/Pacific).This week will see a live session on the situation in Middle East & Africa, and other programming. UFI connects is a way to stay connected, to get through this pandemic, and to be ready for the time afterwards“, says Mary Larkin, UFI President. UFI connects is a way to stay connected, to get through this pandemic, and to be ready for the time afterwards“, says Mary Larkin, UFI President.

The two guests will focus on the issues mentioned above, from the perspectives of UFI leadership.We are very much looking forward to the UFI China Club Super Talk (2nd Chapter).Mario Cajiao, Vice President of Financial Planning and Corporate Affairs at Corferias, tells us more about Corferias’ virtual platforms. An estimated USD 81 billion of total economic output will not be generated related to the exhibition industry by the end of Q2 – and the number will surely rise.