(In contemporary usage, regimecommonly carries a negative connotation.) Generally speaking, a regimen is a systematic plan or course of action. A regimen is a systematic approach to diet, medicine, or exercise. It is often specifically applied to a plan for, say, administering medication, following a diet, or taking care of something pertaining to the self: Wilson also attributed it to the core and shoulder work he does as part of his training regimen. Do you have a beauty regimen?

For example, you might have the goal of having clear skin. The nounregime(pronounced "ruh-zheem" and occasionally spelled with an accent, régime) primarily refers to a form of government or a period of time that a person or governing body is in power.

Here are two simple examples to show how to use this word. Your regimen might include avoiding unhealthy food, washing regularly with a good product, and getting a full night’s sleep. Keeping the words separate might be a good idea for clarity’s sake, but in …

Far less often, regimeis used as a synonymfor regimen. Regime can carry the same meaning, but it has additional definitions—mainly, (1) a form of government, and (2) a government in power—that it doesn’t share with regimen. A regimen is planned routine of actions you take to accomplish something. The word has other meanings, but this is its most common use.