pic.twitter.com/T1QSZVDvOm,— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) September 17, 2020.The highly anticipated and introspective release takes readers on a “compelling journey” and details Obama’s “improbable odyssey from a young man searching for his identity to leader of the free world.” Included in the memoir are striking personal details about his political education, as well as landmark moments from his first term presidency.The Obamas secured the reported $60 million book deals around a year after ending their tenure in the White House. ",Kehlani continued speaking on the issue in several tweets that have since been deleted, but fans were quick to jump in and show their support before she did.

Make sure you typed in your email correctly.Kanye West Calls Upon Hip Hop Pioneers Master P, Birdman & Uncle Luke For Record Label Overhaul,Dr. kamaiyah decided to she didnt wanna comprise her artistry.. when she was feeling the cover and said they shouldnt drop the project..Fans on Twitter are confused why something like album artwork would set up an explosion like this, with some saying Kamaiyah was too prideful and should have just dropped the issue.Okay I personally feel like Kamaiyah played herself by bein so prideful about the cover art when she could’ve just sucked it up & let Kehlani drop it but let’s argue....Others are on Kamaiyah's side and understand why she's be upset and feel disrespected as an artist and a friend.Yea idk I feel Kamaiyah I woulda been mad too tho because you made everything difficult and didn’t respect my artistry to turn around and release the shit anyways but she said kehlani started acting funny after she left 4hunnid records also I left that part out,Right she said doing that wasn’t right but she felt disrespected because they both verbally agreed that they wouldn’t release nothing from the project but kehlani did anyways and she felt emotional about her art as well as somebody she considered a sister crossing her,Kehlani went on Twitter to express her frustration over the whole ordeal.

Music stars and fellow Bay area natives Kamaiyah and Keyshia Cole are putting fellow singer Kehlani on blast and it’s all over a song. It’s a KKK beef and we’re not talking about the clan. This the last thing the Bay need rn.We get that disagreements happen, but can Kamaiyah and Kehlani listen to their fans and deal with their issues? The two musicians have been buddies for a long time, but just recently, Kamaiyah confirmed during an …


I lost money on that. love! “I never needed anything. ",She added, "Reached out countless amounts of times to be adults. i'm still respectful. Kamaiyah talked about the feud on Instagram Live, revealing that it all came down to problems with Kehlani’s track “All Me,” which originally featured the three artists together.

business didn’t work out on a collaborative project, i withdrew and got a ‘green light’ on my family and friends. i still admire from a far. Over the past 24 hours or so, Kehlani and Kamaiyah have been sending subliminal shots as part of what fans have assumed is a feud between them. “I’m not doing it for clout and on top of that I don’t need stunts to sell music,” she said. ",Kehlani responded by tweeting, "I’m STILL not speaking negatively on someone i once cared about.

I hope Young Curt get paid!!

man.She also seemed to say that Kamaiyah hadn't been answering her calls and messages. Christopher “Prince” Harty, an up-and-coming artist and Miami promoter who appeared on Love & Hip-Hop: Miami claims that Lanez attacked him last November.The onetime reality star alleges that Lanez, along with his entourage and security team, punched and attacked him in the nightclub.

man. “That means that my second single has to be even better.”.Towards the end of her venting session, Cardi reiterated that she’s focusing on her work, and revealed that she's starting new business for her daughter Kulture.A post shared by HIPHOLLYWOOD (@hiphollywood) on Sep 18, 2020 at 10:23pm PDT.Following the mega-success of his wife’s Becoming release, Barack Obama is poised to debut his own memoir, A Promised Land, this fall. Ya’ll KNOW this don’t even SOUND RIGHT and this could really hurt my fans…hurt my daughter, hurt my family members,” she wrote in another deleted tweet.

!Them LA niggas need to thank Young Curt for all he did for them lmao,Mustard would not sound how he does without Young Curt,If I don't see a YG,Mustard,or Tyga tweet thanking Young Curt for basically making their sound…. you supposed to be happy.

"She said I said I was going to shoot up her house, which has never occurred," she told The Source. i’m still respectful. i’d never hurt this woman or get her hurt. A Bay Area Pioneer who never got his credit . I never needed no stunts to sell sh*t.Why would I need anything to sell my next album?”,Speaking of the new album, Cardi has been indecisive about choosing her next single because “WAP” did so well.

According to reports, Prince claims to have suffered blunt force trauma to his head, neck, and chest, in addition to contusions, bruises and anxiety, as a result of the incident. An hour ago, she tweeted, "this sh*t is wack and i'm bummed about it cuz ITS 2020 and i lost 2 friends this year like bro i'm just happy to be alive?????

It was our song, we did a project together...so all of this and that I'm 'upset' and I'm 'trying to use her.' I respond to a hit on my head with love and I got slandered further. When officers arrived on the scene shortly after 2 a.m. local time, they discovered a 2019 Dodge Charger on its roof and Curt on the side of the road. Singer Kehlani and rapper Kamaiyah have been beefing and fans have been confused as to why -- but now both ladies have addressed their shocking fallout -- with Kehlani saying that Kamaiyah …

She [Kehlani] decides that she's gonna put out the record and she takes me off, and leaves Keyshia,” Kamaiyah explained. that i have a matching tattoo with...that i respected and admired. In 'A Promised Land,' I try to provide an honest accounting of my presidency, the forces we grapple with as a nation, and how we can heal our divisions and make democracy work for everybody. Kehlani and Kamaiyah’s friendship has turned toxic. While she didn’t name names it became clear she was talking about Kehlani. i ams till a fan. If anything I was genuine, I loved you, if anything I still considered you a sister. i am still a fan.

1 On Billboard 200,Dr. “Please do not take this bold a** lie and [f**cking] run with it. On Tuesday, April 28, Kamaiyah took time to chat with her fans via Instagram Live. I have a kid with this man, I have a household with this man…sometimes you’re just tired of the arguments and the build up.

I been with this man for four years.