"There will be many challenges that we will face over the coming years ... there will be many debates in Parliament and eventually in an election. As 2020 begins, the Liberals maintain lead as negative impressions of the government and Mr. Trudeau decline. The Conservatives are ahead in Alberta (45%) and Manitoba and Saskatchewan (38%).We are curious about what people think and the decisions they will make.Post was not sent - check your email addresses!Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.Results are based on an online study conducted from May 1 to May 3, 2020, among 1,000 adults in Canada. This becomes more worrying for the Liberals when you take into account the Conservative Party's leadership election: even without a leader, the tories are catching up.The WE Charity scandal has damaged the government considerably.

Just this might serve as motivation to get out ahead of the accounting.Once the worst of the pandemic has passed, whatever government is in power will have to produce a plan to straighten out the books that will almost certainly involve the unpopular steps of strict spending cutbacks and possible tax hikes.Other aspects of the Liberals’ pandemic response have also faced criticism. Trudeau was asked about the possibility of going back to the polls during one of his daily briefings last week. June 23, 2020. The government has also been accused of failing to do enough to support key industries like the energy sector, mismanaging the national stockpile of personal protective equipment and of being too slow in acquiring desperately needed supplies from abroad.Daniel Béland, director of McGill University's Institute for the Study of Canada, said most incumbents at the federal, provincial and state levels have enjoyed boosts in popularity since the start of the pandemic. Trudeau, it turns out, was personal friends with the co-founders. "I haven’t heard a lot of Canadians demanding an election right now," Trudeau said. The Conservatives, who hold the second-most seats in Parliament, will only choose a replacement for outgoing leader Andrew Scheer in late August. 2020 They insist Trudeau’s absolute preoccupation is on helping Canadians get through the Covid-19 emergency.The insider, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss internal matters in public, says Canada had its election last year and there’s been no time to think about heading back out on the campaign trail.They said, on top of that, approval-rating bumps during times of crisis are completely non-partisan because the public, generally, wants whomever is in office to succeed.The Liberals could look to strike before their main rivals, the Conservatives, are ready. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's approval ratings have dropped by 11 percentage points since May, according to one poll. By Bruce Anderson and David Coletto. The federal deficit this year has been projected to climb to record heights above C$250 billion and perhaps as high as C$300 billion, while the overall federal debt could eclipse C$3 trillion.The government had no choice but to provide significant jolts of financial support — but navigating the financial clean-up will be far more difficult. Health officials have been taken flak for allegedly acting too late to close borders and later still to encourage Canadians to wear masks. Vancouver, BC [May 8, 2020] – Canadians are divided in their assessment of the first four and a half years of Justin Trudeau’s tenure as prime minister, a new Research Co. poll has found.

Strong polling numbers amid crisis have pollsters and pundits in Canada speculating about an early return to the campaign trail.Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

He had a much more low-key approach during the first few months of his new minority mandate, allowing for Deputy Prime Minister,How coronavirus will change the world permanently,Coronavirus cases, tracked state by state,Trump downplays virus threat to young people.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau faces a confidence vote today, June 17, 2020, but there's little chance his minority Liberal government will fall in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Minister O'Regan served as that charity's honorary head.Neither Trudeau, O'Regan, Morneau or Telford recused themselves from the decision to award the charity this contract—leading to an investigation by the Ethics Commissioner. 2020

This immediately attracted attention as it was unclear why the civil service could not perform the task allocated to the charity.After this, the relationship between the WE organization and the Trudeau government was brought to the public's attention. Toronto, ON, March 3, 2020 — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s approval rating has softened amid solidifying negative views towards the blockade of key transportation corridors in Canada, according to a new Ipsos poll conducted on behalf of Global News. ... annual conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada March 2, 2020. The support may not persist or translate into votes.But Liberals, like veteran MP Wayne Easter, say that while chattering classes are speculating about an election call it's not a discussion point among political colleagues.