3. The adjective “conscious” (pronounced KAHN-shuhs) means being awake or alert.

sharptoothed 1 317463 She had a clear conscience .

It is never easy in Parliament when we have to deal with these serious and thought provoking, The criminal subculture was completely destroyed and the prisoner was thrown back on his own, These low-lifers work, drive and shop among us without, He combines the skills of a master dramatist with a social, She fell asleep in the dying light of sunset, sad and with a death on her, From time to time it initiates its own letter writing actions, as for instance just now in regard to the 22 prisoners of, Approximately 65 political prisoners, including five prisoners of, Sweden is often held up as being a model of a democratic European country with a moral, In what may be the ultimate feat of subtlety and indirection, they want to control the behemoth by appealing to its, There is, however, a further problem which is best described as a problem of, Universities have traditionally been hotbeds of public debate, with both students and their lecturers stirring the national, In short, they are not squeamish or unduly troubled by, When these disappeared, she fought and won a brief skirmish with her, I couldn't bushrange or anything with a clear, I have fretted that some journalists might take it upon themselves to spread the vile contagion of, When my boy grows to become a thinking person, with, Her hair is short and neat, her smile beatific, and her, The answer is now less impressive, but it can be given with certainty and with a clear, Moreover, for him, many Hollywood liberals don't donate anything more than, If he did, he's got enough to weigh on his, I also wish to thank those Honourable members who in all, According to Stankushev the ratio between the number of votes and abstentions showed the ratio between fear and, Politics, in many ways, does not delight in a clear, When it came, she was armed with tissues and a clear, What seemed an easy task becomes complicated by locals' objections and, ultimately, the landman's own crisis of, The film, a story of a contract killer fighting his, Slowly she got behind him, glad that he was too busy pondering his, The lesson I learned, with apologies to Hamlet, is that the play's not the thing wherein we'll catch the, The impromptu funeral rites she performs are her amateurish attempts to clear her, What made religious toleration and later freedom of, If the poem doesn't work for me then I can't in, Bit late, this one, because this is usually a Christmas, Anyway, I was glad to help and can now return to California with a clear, He recognises the mythical, Orphean role that poetry has played in our national, When I went to prison I had a clear conscience and when I got out I had a clear, Earlier in the week she had appeared before MPs to say she did not intend to resign because she had a clear, Only then can we carry out the third and final step with a clear, He was trying to convince himself that he had not cheated, which showed he didn't have a clear, If I woke up some morning and said it was not for me, I'd have an absolutely clear, I would like to remind the Cabinet Ministers that a clear, He's proved his point long ago and could pack it in tomorrow if he wanted with a clear, Can chefs serve swordfish, bluefin tuna or Chilean seabass in good, The 1994 genocide in Rwanda is a monstrous atrocity hanging over the, They did not favor a monarchically structured Church that could limit the rights of individual, The United States, particularly the left wing of the Democratic Party, also lives with a guilty, It seems the time has come for military personnel to be given the right of, The last time I checked, puppets do not suddenly come to life and grow a, The Levellers developed from a demand for individual freedom of, We certainly enjoy our freedom, perhaps even taking a bit of pride in our defence of the right of, Guilt, selfishness, deep sorrow and frustration all mingled together in my, They woulde percase say the same of Scotland but that their, Then there's the 2003 champ, Matthias, from Switzerland, who mounts fish and is starting to struggle with his, The political chameleon changes its colors according to pressure, not, It is film-making in bad faith, film-making with a guilty, We see the emergence of these men and women of, I normally refrain from chiming in to an editor, but this story piqued my civic, Besides evangelizing the lost and edifying the saved, shouldn't the church also be the, Many of his supporters were anguished by the political cost of their votes of, Through daily ascesis, even in periods of no external persecution, the monastics testify to the martyrdom of, He is a successful entrepreneur businessman who has never had a social, This is an infusion of pop, rock and trip-hop that is easy on the ears, but not on the musical, The essays he wrote in his old age put him in the role of the nation's.
— Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth, 2006 We like to imagine literature as the still, small voice of human conscience. CK 1 2279393 Tom doesn't have a conscience . I had a guilty conscience about not telling her the truth. CK 1 2711697 I have a guilty conscience . Conscience sentence examples. the feeling that lets you know if you have done something wrong, Jim does not throw away leftovers because his conscience never lets him forget about the people who are starving somewhere.

4. , Because I treat others as fairly as I can, I have a clear conscience about my business dealings. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. A guilty conscience needs no accuser.