It is sad that Luna’s story did not have a happy ending like Springer’s — but given that Springer’s reunion with her pod set a precedent, marine authorities will hopefully be more open to taking chances next time a lost baby orca shows up — knowing that a reunion after separation is entirely possible.© 1992 - 2020 Gold River Chamber - All Rights Reserved | Web Design & Hosting By.Your email address will not be published. Personally, I got to see him up close and I can tell you I saw intelligence and emotion in his eyes that rivals the human animal for sure. Indians in dugout canoes led the killer whale out to sea off western Canada on Wednesday, thwarting attempts to have the orca, nicknamed Luna, follow a boat into a floating holding pen.Luna became separated from his pod, or family, and arrived in Nootka Sound off British Columbia in 2001 at about the same time the chief of the Mowachaht-Muchalaht tribe died.By the end of the day, Luna was about 12 miles away from the pen where he was supposed to spend the next week.The tribe was planning to send more canoeists out to sea to keep Luna away from the pen. He touched many lives with his presence and will be missed very much.Sounds like Luna was a very special whale. Extraordinary story of an incredibly endearing and intelligent baby orca You are truly blessed you got to see him up close!There was a discussion after the screening, and Michael Parfit mentioned that there are not a lot of people in Nootka Sound in the winter.

A full-grown male orca averages 27 feet long and weighs 9,000 pounds.Southern Resident orcas are among the most social mammals in the world. One person even tried to brush the whale’s teeth.This month, Luna surfaced in the path of a landing float plane.Scientists feared the whale would injure himself or people and on Wednesday planned to begin a plan to reunite Luna with his pod.If he can be taken to the pen, Luna will undergo medical tests and, if found healthy, he would be coaxed into a sling, crane-lifted into a container, placed on the back of a transport truck and then driven about 200 miles south to a bay near Victoria.Once there, the plan called for him to be held in another net pen until his pod swims by.
Hope you see and do everything you want to. "He didn't socialize with people on boats so much as rubbing against the bottoms of boats. He then would be released with the hope he would set out to meet his family.Whale experts believe that Luna is searching for human companionship because there are no other killer whales in Nootka Sound.Scientists organizing the project admit that, because they do not know why Luna became separated, they do not know if the pod will accept him back. He was, however, not unique. Other orcas, known as transients because they visit unpredictably, eat warm-blooded animals like seals.In 2001, when Luna was less than two years old, he was separated from his family and turned up alone in Nootka Sound. After a nine-day period that the press described as a “Tug-of-whale,” the Department of Fisheries and Oceans called off the relocation.During the summers of 2004 and 2005, the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation conducted stewardship programs to try to keep Luna and the public safe. When I put on the tv tonight I saw the film of Luna, couldn’t stop watching, so interesting and touching! By March 2006 Luna was estimated at about 18 feet long. It was a special treat to have him adopt us and love us the way he did.

☺️.Yes Luna was an amazing animal. The Mowachaht/ Muchalaht have deep respect for all orcas, and for this one in particular.In 2004, the Canadian government attempted to capture Luna to move him back to his pod near Victoria to attempt a reunion. Luna was not like a garbage bear or a cougar that might wander into a human community, because he never showed any inclination to react with violence toward human beings. Federal law prohibits the disturbance of a marine mammal. I appreciate it!I had always read/heard that orcas were highly social creatures but had no idea until I watched the film on Luna that their need for social interaction surpassed even that of us humans; was amazed to learn that they would even sacrifice food for it! The death of a whale that attracted thousands of tourists -- some…