I make sure I scroll past all that, so it’s not just, ‘People are dead – and I’m talking funny sh*te.’ It is an incredibly difficult time.“But people should remember that when people were dying during World War II, you had entertainers like Bob Hope and Peter Sellers.”,She added: “When coronavirus hit, I saw Nicola Sturgeon was out every day with journalists asking the same questions and I thought I would just translate it into, ‘This is what I f*****g mean’.”.Sturgeon, in turn, has endorsed Godley’s message (she’s not the only one – everyone from influential Scots satirist Armando Iannucci to Bond star Britt Ekland and tennis legend Martina Navratilova have shared her work).But this isn’t political cosying on Godley’s part.She said: “If it was a Tory putting out the same message to stay safe and stay at home, then I’d do exactly the same thing.“I’d be impartial to the politics of whatever government in Scotland was pushing out the message to keep us all safe, just to get that message out.”,She is one of a number of entertainers who have signed up for the National Theatre of Scotland’s online response to the crisis, to be screened on.Anxiety and stress risk becoming a pandemic themselves as the psychological impact of enforced restrictions takes its toll on our psyche.There has been a global reach for decompression valves and comedy memes are chief among them.It’s partly why she has gone viral, in the only good sense of the term – and not for the first time. It will be reviewed every three weeks.There are exceptions, however, such as for those people living alone who form extended households, non-cohabiting couples, childcare and for tradespeople.The rules on meeting other people in public indoor spaces, which are subject to guidance, remain the same. This will limit numbers on public transport and the gathering of people indoors for prolonged periods.Sturgeon said if necessary the Scottish Government will put a “legal duty” on businesses to allow home working where possible.There should be no car sharing between people of different households. A metal plate had to be inserted into her left upper arm.None of the passengers were wearing a seat belt. In these tumultuous times in politics, one person has given voice to the mood of the nation: Janey Godley.Her hilarious voice-overs for clips of, among others, Boris Johnson, Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon have become an online global sensation. Twice at the Edinburgh Festival she’s quoted me and said: ‘If you want to hear what I said to Boris, go watch Janey Godley’s video!’,“That’s immense. Our.explains more about how we use your data, and your rights. For now, though, she’s looking forward to making a return trip to Aberdeen.“I can’t wait, I just love Aberdeen,” she said. So you have to make them outrageously stupid. They're a hoot!Janey Godley later encouraged people to “keep laughing through this nightmare”.The leading representative body for the UK’s offshore oil and gas industry has hailed the grit and resilience of the thousands of people working for the critical sector as it opened nominations for its annual awards today.After reporting a $5 billion loss, Malaysian national oil company (NOC) Petronas is eager to see new money flow into its domestic upstream sector, especially as the majors, such as ExxonMobil, seek to exit the Southeast Asian nation.Oil majors may be “pushed” to sell or swap more than $100billion of assets due to the energy transition, according to Rystad Energy.A number of states have signed an agreement formalising the East Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF).The Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has appointed a BP and Chevron veteran is its new central North Sea area manager.ExxonMobil’s UK North Sea assets have attracted suitors from state-owned companies to private equity-backed firms as the US oil giant seeks to exit the aging region altogether, according to people with knowledge of the matter.Oilfield service firm Petrofac has taken delivery of a second freefall lifeboat at its marine training centre in Aberdeen following an investment of £200,000.Trois Consulting and DDMS have announced the offering of a fully integrated geological and geophysical study for onshore exploration in Angola.King of the Swindlers – The inside story on the north-east financial adviser who stole £13 million,Hidden Hurt: Our special investigation into domestic abuse,Pandemic Pedal Power: Our series on cycling and active travel,History of Drugs: Our special series on how evil trade spread in North-east from 1980 to 2000,Some light relief (but not tan tights): First Minister sees the funny side of Janey Godley’s Twitter voice-over videos,ANALYSIS: What Nicola Sturgeon said in her Brexit Day speech — and what it REALLY means,Lyra McKee’s sister ‘devastated’ over reaction to her Stormont return plea,‘When the bars empty at 10pm they’ll find the nearest house party to go to’: Pub and restaurant owners respond to curfew news.Poll: Walkers cheese and onion voted the top flavour of crisps – but what’s your favourite?Brian Cox: Rob Roy villain was worse than Hannibal Lecter,RAF Edzell: Remembering the lost Cold War spy base in North Angus,VIDEO: Three simple steps to better digestive health that you can take today,EYEWITNESS: The life cycles which made Graeme Obree a world record breaker 25 years ago,Nominations opportunity to highlight true North Sea spirit,Petronas seeks investors to revive Malaysian upstream as majors exit,Energy transition may ‘push’ oil majors to sell or swap $100billion of assets – Rystad,BP and Chevron veteran joins OGA as area manager,EnQuest, Sinopec ‘among bidders’ for ExxonMobil UK North Sea oil and gas fields,Petrofac splashes £200k on second freefall lifeboat in Aberdeen,New onshore study launched ahead of Angola round.