New players are always welcome. W . The Foxbury name lives on at the school in the form of the new Medical and Well-being Centre which forms part of the new Turberville Building development and for which the OECT made a substantial donation.Articles of Association of Old Elthamians Association – Revised April 2019,Articles of Association of Old Elthmians Association – Existing April 2019,Old Elthamians Association Ltd Draft Accounts 2019,Old Elthamians Association Ltd Filleted Accounts 2019,Old Elthamians Association Ltd Full Accounts 2018.

W . During the twenties the school expanded and by the early thirties there were sufficient numbers for three or four sides to play on a regular basis. Old Elthamians CC -Dyno T20. The objects of the OECT are twofold:“with a preference for making such provision to or for the pupils and former pupils of Eltham College (the School for the Sons of Missionaries) and/or to or for the said School or for any of its undertakings wherever they may be situated.”.The OECT’s Trustees are currently as follows:The Old Elthamians Association was created in 1907 and incorporated as Old Elthamians Association Limited (OEAL) in 2012.Its guiding principle is to develop engagement and a sense of cohesion among the alumni of Eltham College. MORE INFORMATION.

Of the 37 matches played, 30 were won, 5 lost and 2 drawn; 1015 points for, 118 against.Old Elthamians established a reputation for fine handling and deadly tackling.

Photo … The following seasons, prior to the Great War, a full fixture list was completed with much success. L .


Sixth Form.

W . assignment. Membership is automatic to all former pupils of the senior section of Eltham College and members of staff.The OEAL works together with the Elthamians Office to provide social and industry-related activities to help foster Elthamian community spirit and also to publish the bi-annual Plane Talking magazine which acts as a record of Old Elthamian achievement and contribution to the wider world.Simon McGrahan, Adrian Baulf, Russell Dellar, Nick Byers, Chris Brain.With a community that includes former and current students, parents and staff, the Elthamians Office actively engages with all friends and stakeholders and supports the development of the school.In 1951 a group of, largely, World War II “veterans” was the driving force behind the OEA’s acquisition of The Old Elthamians War Memorial Sports Ground (“Foxbury”) in Chislehurst, Kent, to serve as the headquarters of the OEA and the home of Old Elthamian sports.In 2012 the ownership of Foxbury was transferred from the Old Elthamians Association to the newly formed Old Elthamians Charitable Trust.The Old Elthamians Sports Club has moved back to the school at College Meadow and Foxbury is let on a commercial basis to provide income to the OECT.Foxbury remains the spiritual home of the Old Elthamians particularly those who left the school before 2012. During this period several players represented Kent and two former members gained international honours: A.L.Gracie (Scotland 1921-24) and N.L.Evans (England 1932-33).After the War the Old Boys Association purchased and donated some land to the school on the understanding that the club could use a pitch on a Saturday afternoon; other games were played on local pitches.In the mid-thirties some land was bought in Lee and was converted by club members into a sports ground, opening in 1936. By the Jubilee Season the club had played some 3500 games since inauguration.In the early seventies playing numbers deteriorated and in 1972 it was decided that the club would go open and allow membership to non-Old Elthamians. Blindside Flanker. Junior School. Discover more. On 25 March 2017 Old Elthamians, riding high in National League 2 South, achieved a club record win 97–7 against bottom club.Old Elthamians failed to reach the Championship in the 18/19 season.Rams deducted 5 points due to an issue with their Payment of Players declaration during the,National League 3 (south-east v south-west),"Club prepares for Super Saturday at College Meadow","Lespierre - 'It's been a team effort all season,Leeds Carnegie (formerly Headingley and Roundhay),,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License,Dominic Lespierre (try) Tom White (points).If teams are level at any stage, tiebreakers are applied in the following order:Difference between points for and against,Aggregate number of points scored in matches between tied teams,Number of matches won excluding the first match, then the second and so on until the tie is settled,This page was last edited on 11 June 2020, at 08:07. Search for: Contact. Hooker. Outgrowing the two home pitches and a lack of funds to repair the run-down clubhouse meant a search for new premises and a deal with the school, keen to see National League rugby, will see senior rugby played there from the start of next season.Meanwhile, the senior section has arranged to play at Barts' Hospital pitch, next door to Foxbury, for the 2014-15 season, with the seconds, thirds and fourths joining the first team there.The minis and juniors, however, will start down at the school. W . OLD ELTHAMIANS CC WON BY -1 RUNS assignment. Elthamians team.

The money for development came from the Eltham College Centenary and War Memorial fund, the whole of the available fund of the Old Elthamians Association, the generosity of individual old boys and a loan from the RFU.The RFU president visited the ground and is reported to have said "Don’t have anything to do with cricket - put sheep on the field during the summer!" He was picked for Kent, SE England and then the full England team having played all through Old Elthamians' mini and junior sides.