Every Scorpio trait rings true with me, except the one about regrets. Relevance.

These individuals may seem simultaneously reserved and energetic.When this steady, earthy sun combines with the dark mystery of the ascendant, you may notice these stubborn types taking a special interest in physical expression and sexuality.Here, the ascendant can lend a seductive yet steely look to the airy, playful, and changeable Gemini, creating quicksilver, almost catlike shapeshifters.These people might be known for their intense presence—rapid-fire jokes or an unwavering stare, maybe—but they are drawn to Cancerian roles in which they take care of others or even save the day.In this case, the power and passion of the ascendant can further emphasize the regal (even dictatorial) energy of this lion-like sun sign.This combination can create a no-nonsense, committed character.

There have been people though that I can tell seem nervous around me so I guess they feel kinda intimidated.Hell yeah. it is kinda hard to talk to a scorpio face to face because its the gazing stare n deep hypnotizing eyes. I have a sister with that placement and she is a soft as a cat. lol.I noticed that I very much act like a Scorpio/Virgo outwardly.I am a Virgo Sun, Scorpio Rising, Cancer Moon. Remove creeps?are there delays sending parcels from uk to south africa?Does she look like pisces rising or libra rising? but definitely i have presence.What do you think of the answers?

I also have a Pisces descendant. I don't think that many people find me intimidating.

People have told me that they were intimidated by me.Yes, I've gotten a few comments on my eyes, but I don't think people find me intimidating at all. Maybe intimidating is the wrong word, but do people with Scorpio as their rising sign tend to come off as cold or aloof?

You might say the rising sign is what the world sees in you. Learning patience and giving others the benefit of the doubt have been the biggest lessons and forgiveness of self as well as others.

do you really have piercing eyes?

Fittingly, these people may seem cold and hard in appearance, but with an underflow of turmoil and choppy waters—they are extremely deep-feeling creatures. However, I was not fishing for any compliments at that time!

But when people get to know me, they change their minds completely.

My Venus is in Gemini, and his was in Pisces.

You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer.Still have questions?

I notice that only via intensity can I make quality connections and relationships.Ashton Kutcher is a Gemini rising you dolt.I am a Gemini in the 1st decant and have Scorpio Rising and Cancer Moon.

Learn the special qualities of this placement so that you can better understand yourself or others.The rising sign, also called the ascendant, is the zodiac sign or constellation that was rising over the eastern horizon at the exact time of your birth.

I am a healer and psychic/medium! (The natal chart is a map of the sky at the exact moment you were born in the exact place you were born. whether a person was conceived by accident OR conceived as planned... and they come out of their mother's womb at a time while Scorpio is rising...thats it, that's enough, you're a true scorpio RISING! You can simply enter your birthdate and exact birth time into.Here are some fast facts to remember about this sign.Scorpio is a fixed water sign, with two of the most powerful and active ruling planets:Of all the water signs, Scorpio represents ice.

Anyway, in other situations, yeah, I do use my eyes to my advantage when I'm trying to flirt with a guy. With this intelligent and suspicious ascendant, these individuals may be interested in the ways we can wield manners (or lack thereof) to make things happen.Double and triple Scorpios may feel vulnerable and exposed in public life—don't forget that this is a private, sensitive water sign—so they might choose to work behind the scenes, adopt personas, or wear costumes.This is an interesting mix of fiery optimism and dark emotional intensity. I feel like my sun use to shine when I was younger, I was bubbly and positive.

Camera Obscura.

I think with the Venus and Moon squares, I sometimes hurt his feelings without meaning to, but it also gave us interesting challenges. I do believe I was meant to be born a certain day, certain time; therefore meant to be a Scorpio rising.

BUT....believe me, due to the fact that I have a really good intuiton about people, I can sense bad vibes sometimes and I KNOW when NOT to appear approachable...that of course, is when I put on my straight serious face! !Dear God I have the same sun moon and ascendant as Hitler . However, that has not happened lately and it was in the past. I had a transformation in 1994 from a near death experience!This is my first time and I am trying to understand all of this.This is a great read with lots of good info.The info in the video is good, too, and scary how accurate it is.

And some say when they get to know me, i'm a lot more friendly and open than they first thought.

As a Scorpio Rising, I find that a lot of this fits me to a "T." I'm not one to really cross (and have an explosive temper when I'm pushed to the breaking point,) which usually surprises people because I am usually so calm and nice. But to determine your ascendant, you'll also need to know the time you were born, as this placement changes around every two hours.