It is usually served raw at sushi restaurants, accompanied by condiments to bring out its unique flavor.

Best time to eat it is from March to August. It grows into kohada quite quickly, so shinko is only available for a short period during the year, between July and August.

Not a common sushi topping, icefish is small fish measuring around 10cm in length.

It has a sweet taste and a tender texture. One of the most common sushi toppings abroad, salmon is available at sushi-go-round restaurants in Japan, but not in traditional establishments. $16.00 Salmon Combination Spicy salmon roll and 5pc salmon sushi. You can usually get it for a reasonable price. It is best eaten from September to January. It’s beautiful,” says chef Yoshi Kousaka of the city’s new, understated fish paradise Kosaka (he formerly helmed Michelin-starred NYC sushi spot Jewel Bako). Best eaten in the spring, skipjack tuna is available most of the year, from March to December. A relative of Japanese amberjack, greater amberjack is known as a summer fish, best eaten from June to August. It is at its best in the winter.

And I’ve greatly enjoyed every new flavor I’ve come across except for one. Because it spoils rapidly once caught, it is recommended that you try whitebait where they are fished. Dubbed "idiot clam", surf clam is found all over Japan. Swordfish is a large fatty fish. Therefore, the Japanese do not eat this raw squid. Available all year. When using as a sushi topping, it is parboiled and the nigiri is wrapped in seaweed. A large type of squid that is said to be a top-class squid topping for sushi. Domestic octopus has a strong, distinctive aroma, and a mild sweetness. A common high-grade sushi topping since the Edo period, Japanese conger is usually cooked - simmered or grilled - before serving, so it tastes different depending on the restaurant. With a similar texture to flying fish roe, capelin roe is marinated in either salt or soy sauce. Dried squid, However, the squid is a fast decrease of freshness. It has a mild flavor and a gently springiness, and is best eaten in the winter. Other variations include fried (kara-age) and pickled in soy sauce (okizuke). Not as common as red seabream, it is in season from September to November. Octopus is usually boiled at its production site, so you don't usually find fresh octopus at sushi restaurants. It is at its best from March to May.

It has a soft and smooth texture. It has a smooth texture, and its sweetness is a perfect match for the vinegared rice. Both chefs point out that firefly squid is a very seasonal ingredient that’s only available from early to late spring. Black seabream has tender meat and little fat. It has a stronger taste and sweetness than other species of crabs, and has a firm texture. It is sometimes seared before being made into sushi, which melts the fat, giving it a luxurious texture. Threadsail filefish is available throughout Japan and is one of very few fish used for sushi that can be fished in Tokyo Bay. A winter fish with a delicate pink hued flesh, its skin is sometimes seared to enhance the flavors. Red seabream has little fat, with a mild flavor and aroma. There are several types species of fugu eaten in Japan, but the torafugu variety is unusual, as its skin, meat, and milt are not poisonous like the other types of fugu. Available all year, you could say that it has the most squid-like appearance of all squids.

Still not convinced by sushi? The light pink-colored flesh has the perfect amount of fat infused throughout. It tastes quite sweet, and has a smooth texture. With an aroma of the sea, it has a rich sweetness and a firm texture unique to abalone. Cultivated in Hokkaido, Pacific herring is not widely available as a sushi topping outside of the prefecture. Regardless of items’ rarity or presentation, I try to approach each new experience with an open mind. The gourd has a crunchy texture and a slightly sweet flavor. Because of its rarity, it comes with a high price tag, but you can find engawa at sushi-go-round establishments, where they use fins of other species of fish. Tastes best from May to November.

Best eaten in the winter. Beautiful, indeed — its fluorescent blue lights, a defense mechanism used to threaten enemies, are a captivating sight at night. Unlike the bluefin tuna, the southern bluefin tuna is in season from April to August. Because the fish is mushy, it is easy to eat, even if you're not too keen on sushi. Best eaten from March to June. It consists of crab sticks, avocado, mayonnaise, and other ingredients wrapped in rice.