No "community channels" or "college radio"; You or your spokesman will be booked on top market shows with large audiences. Obviously, the gig did not guarantee conversions. It could take a Facebook ad days or even weeks to reach this level.

It is what it was promised. Our crowdfunding advertising services bring you targeted traffic to attract backers that can help you crush your funding goal! We give you flat-rate crowdfunding promotion for posts and tweets to our nearly 50,000 fans and followers across Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram & TikTok constantly as long as your campaign is running. © Copyright 2018 This service does not guarantee Donations, Clicks or Sign ups. As crowdfunding PR professionals we have all of the proven tactics to connect your crowdfunding campaign to massive numbers of journalists, show producers, bloggers and other influencers. Not All Crowdfunding Press Releases Are Created Equal. The websites who will receive your press release include The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The Chicago Sun-Times, The Wall Street Journal, Fox News  and many, many other popular news sources. Social media influencers are charging hundreds and even thousands of dollars for just one post.

• Once you sign up with Crowdfund Buzz you’ll have your own publicist who’ll act in your best interests and could be considered your crowdfunding concierge.

The result? It's obvious that crowdfunding promotion through social media can bring in backers instantly.

Here are just a few examples: Do you have a cool new tech product?

We know a contributing editor at The Wall Street Journal and show producers at CNBC and Fox Business. When you do the math you’re ending up with a damned good deal on crowdfunding marketing via influencer marketing all by itself. Your press release will be targeted and certain to reach the appropriate news websites, media outlets, journalists and bloggers covering the topic of your crowdfunding campaign or public relations initiative. We’ve helped our clients score epic crowdfunding promotion that would cost anywhere between $10,000 and $100,000 EACH if they had to take out their checkbook and pay for that same level of crowdfunding marketing on the air or in print on their own. Our team has turned around countless crowdfunding projects. A lot of people ask what do you need from me to start promoting my campaign? These are just some among the hundreds of news websites where your project can appear. Over the years we've developed contacts and relationships with influential journalists, editors, show producers and bloggers who ALWAYS take our calls and answer our email.

No other crowdfunding promotion firm has this level of connection with the media. Every time we do, you gain access to huge numbers of new potential campaign backers.

• A few days after your press release has been distributed you’ll receive a detailed crowdfunding media report showing you all media engagement of your press release. Accompanying your media report will be detailed press release statistics telling you how many people saw your press release and how many people read it, emailed it and even shared it. We have nearly 7,000 followers on Instagram alone and we don’t charge per post. Within minutes of signing up as a client for crowdfunding promotion we move fast to deliver our crowdfunding advertising services to you…. Combining our ever-growing audience with our clear understanding of the TikTok algorithm and what TikTok viewers want gives you access to a huge audience.

This is definitely “don’t try this at home.” stuff. We are proud to have TV show producers, radio professionals, reporters, editors and bloggers subscribe to our news feed so they are sure to never miss a press release we issue.

That’s because we’ve established ourselves as the go-to source for the cool and the cutting-edge in crowdfunding and society itself. Our senior publicist Howard Sherman is friends with the biggest on-air reporters in the business and is on a first-name basis with over 1500 radio and TV show producers across America who are on his speed dial.