Then they select multiple epitopes from these nine conserved regions, and arrange the epitopes into a long string of recombinant proteins in multiple repetition, attempting to use as many conserved epitopes of viral antigens as possible to develop an immune affection that is sufficient to cover all types of influenza virus strains. Find the most suitable solution for your We utilized Patentcloud’s Patent Vault database and patent data to analyze eight of the universal influenza vaccine development companies with the most significant potential, including BiondVax, Osivax, FluGen, Vivaldi Biosciences, Blue Water Vaccines, Emergex Vaccines, Vaccitech, and Distributed Bio. Copyright © 2020 InQuartik Corporation. This discovery might be a clue to uncovering their new solution for the universal flu vaccine. This high variability may be caused by the viral antigen’s high mutation rate, which is called an antigenic drift or homologous recombination, and they occur when the virus cross-infects between different hosts, such as birds, pigs, etc. The varied virus could become a brand new virus to our immune systems; This is why it is possible to catch the flu next year even if you’ve already had it this year. Universal Flu Vaccine: Can Biotech Companies Deliver? Therefore, Vivaldi Biosciences’ deltaFLU can provide sufficient immune response without the support of adjuvant. Photograph:( AFP This discovery indicates that the two companies may be cooperating with each other. Regarding the current seasonal flu vaccine strategy, the WHO predicts possible outbreak viral strains for the following year based on the viral strains of seasonal flu from the previous year, and proposes three to four of the most likely strains to the vaccine companies. According to the patent application of Distributed Bio, their universal vaccine comprises antigens from at least six influenza strains, where the antigens of these viral strains share a common epitope in tertiary structure.

Additionally, this article provides a detailed introduction to the current development status of universal influenza vaccines. The health ministry will launch an information campaign on 1 October in an attempt to boost coverage of an immunisation that is usually taken up by about 53% of the population each year. Vaccine maker Seqirus plans to increase production by roughly 15 percent in the US -- from 52 million to 60 million doses, as does Sanofi -- from 70 to 80 million.

Unlike BiondVax, Osivax‘s vaccine design uses a single viral antigen. In the US, pharmaceutical companies plan to make around 196 million doses to serve the population of 330 million, according to the Centers … (Projections may change as the season progresses.)

Flu Vaccine Manufacturers Seqirus, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Sanofi Pasteur SA, MedImmune, CSL Limited, Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., Pfizer, Inc., Gamma Vaccines Pty Ltd… Major pharmacy chain CVS, which administers flu vaccines without prescription, is ordering 18 million doses, double the amount in 2019. The solutions for universal influenza vaccine development can be divided into recombinant subunit vaccines, live attenuated virus, and virus-like particles (VLPs.). According to FluGen’s patent portfolio, the company not only applied for viral vaccines with the M2 mutation, but also for a cell line used to produce the virus. We were created when our parent company, CSL Limited, acquired the Novartis influenza vaccine business and combined it with vaccine subsidiary, bioCSL. The IP world moves fast: subscribe to receive the latest insights and news right in your inbox — you can unsubscribe anytime. Blue Water Vaccines is another universal flu vaccine developing company who obtained their technology from Oxford University. When we used each one of them as the inventor to perform a patent search, there were hundreds of patents relating to the NS1 gene mutation influenza virus vaccine, most of which are owned by ISMMS. Their patent portfolios are mainly of vaccine compositions using their OligoDOM technology and its methods of use.
rights reserved. InQuartik’s trademarks may not be used without the express permission of InQuartik. InQuartik®, Patentcloud®, Quality Insights®, Patent Vault®, PatentMatrix® and all trademarks and service marks are owned by InQuartik Corporation or affiliates of InQuartik Corporation. BiondVax’s M-001 is the earliest universal flu vaccine that has entered the phase III clinical trial. Companies developing recombinant subunit vaccines include BiondVax, Osivax, Emergex Vaccines, and Distributed Bio. In fact, patent data analysis plays an essential role in performing due diligence for investment, product research & development, competitor analysis, and finding potential collaborative partners, especially in the technical fields where the product development process is relatively long, such as the fields of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Flu vaccinations will be offered free of charge to children, people over the age of 60 (recently reduced from 65), health workers and those with underlying health conditions. Last modified on Fri 4 Sep 2020 04.37 BST. Italian vaccine manufacturers are scrambling to produce millions of flu vaccination doses amid concern there will not be enough to meet demand this autumn and winter.