The archipelago is home to a huge array of animals, including penguins, swans, flamingos, whales, two species of endangered otters, and endangered Chilean dolphins.

And because the project came in under budget, our partners used the extra funds to install solar panels on the visitors center.We are delighted to support the Mapuche-Huilliche people of Koldita Island as they use their deep environmental knowledge and passion to manage the seas around their island. This will allow people also to make contribution to the efforts.The fact that governments around the world are waking up to make an effort to protect the dolphin speaks volumes. Wildscreen's Arkive project was launched in 2003 and grew to become the world's biggest encyclopaedia of life on Earth. The fact remains that in many fishing communities across the world, humans and dolphins are constantly competing for food. Black dolphins, also known as Chilean dolphins, are small marine mammals that exist off the coast of Chile.In Chile, People commonly call these dolphins tonina, and commonly confuse these small dolphins with porpoises.This is because they have rather blunt, rounded heads and bodies. The dolphins also cease teaching their calves how to hunt for prey, and as a result there is competition between them and the young for the handouts that they get.

They have also been known to eat green algae. This can only be done if certain policies are enacted and people are made aware about the importance of dolphins to the ecosystem.Thankfully, many governments have policies in place that make it unlawful to hunt and kill dolphins. After all, their needs are very different to ours. habitats. Chilean dolphins and Peale's dolphins, together with two endangered otter species, are expected to also thrive in the newly established marine protected area. The area is home to Mapuche-Huilliche people, whose culture developed over centuries on these islands. Seacology’s field representative in Chile, Claudio Delgado, was key to this effort. This could threaten the existence of the endangered Irrawaddy dolphins in downstream Cambodia. March 31, 2014: Letter to U.S. However, even people can help by volunteering to clean up beaches and shorelines. As more and more people are realizing the importance of saving the dolphins, more are joining the efforts. People have to understand that human lives and that of dolphins is linked and connected. With the help of over 7,000 of the world’s best wildlife filmmakers and photographers, conservationists and scientists, featured multi-media fact-files for more than 16,000 endangered species. Whales and dolphin rely on critical habitats – areas where they feed, mate, give birth, nurse young, socialize or migrate – for their survival. Unfortunately, this can adversely affect the number of the dolphins in the wild, as the younger dolphins can starve to death if they do not know how to hunt. And while they're most commonly associated with oceans, dolphins—and porpoises—can actually be found in several major rivers on two continents. Expanding commercial aquaculture also threatens the indigenous people’s traditional way of life.

Again, this requires laws to be passed, and many countries are enacting those laws.In many countries, governments and marine wildlife organizations are working together to educate people on the need to protect the dolphins and how they can live in harmony with them. Development on Koldita and surrounding islands has damaged important archaeological sites, and indigenous knowledge has been in decline.

Swimming through fresh waters in parts of South America and Asia is what one might consider an unexpected figure: the dolphin. 2015) and Commerson’s dolphin C. com mer sonii (Garaffo et al.